The X Factor bit :P

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A/N Hey guys hope this is okay not as good as the last one I know but leave a comment tell me what you think and I'm dedicating this chapter to @monkeymad85 because they commented your awesome for that, thank you :D - Emily

An hour later I was an ecstatic girl I ran out to meet my two best friends.

"I PASSED" I screamed at them.

"Third time lucky eh?" Aggie said hugging me.

"Yup, now lets go look for an apartment and then a car!" I said.

"Okay, do you want to drive my car? I insured you if you want to? All the way to London." Jess said.

"Yes yes yes a million times yes." I said , I had almost forgotten about this mornings event, that was until my phone buzzed.

From- Mum

How was your test? Liam's shoulder has been relocated. x

I text her back

To- Mum

Passed! Going to London now to look for a place going to get a car if that's okay? x

I pressed send. To be honest I didn't really care if I had sent Liam into a coma I was so annoyed at him and my anger at him almost resurfaced just from that text.

"C'mon then we got an apartment to buy!" Jess squealed. We all got in the car I was really relaxed behind the wheel and I'm not a bad driver if I do say so myslef!

"Turn the radio on? Radio 1 yeah?" I said to Jess in the passengers seat, Aggie was in the back she was even a nervous passanger so we put her in the back.

"Ok." Jess replied turning it on. As soon as it came on I swear I could have thrown it out of the window.

"Bloody hell why does everyone like them so much their not even that good!" I' said as one thing blasted out.

"Want me to change it?" Jess wondered.

"Nah it's finishing and listen they're playing Demi Lovato!" I said. Okay so I don't like One Direction but love Demi. Yup, oh well. She actually has talent.

For the rest of the journey we just talked about apartments. Soon I pulled up outside the first one witch was £850 000. The guy who was showing us round was waiting for us.

"Hello you must be," he checked his clipboard "Miss Alexis Payne, Miss Agatha Joans and Miss Jessica Woodler Yes?" he asked.

"Just Lexi Aggie and Jess." I said to him pointing to us in turn. He nodded and lead us to the apartment.

"All of the apartments here on this street are pretty much the same, just some different lay outs. When I heard you were looking for open plan I though this would be perfect." He said to us. He pushed the door open.

"Woah" we all said together.

It was mahusive! It was all white and some dark purple stripes in places on the wall. The carpet was white and fluffy. A plasma T.V on the wall a Huge white sofa. Then a spiral glass(!) staircase came down in the corner leading to upstairs. A pretty big kitchen white marble surfaces and white tile floor. Upstairs there was four bedrooms all big with room for a double bed and plasma's and an en-suite. The en-suite had a shower toilet and sink but was big as well.

"Are um are you sure this only cost's £850,000 I mean it's... wow!" I said.

"Yes quite sure there is an indoor pool that all the apartments have access to out the back" he said to us. I looked at the girls they both nodded.

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