The Truth Comes Out.

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A/N Sorry it took so long been crazy busy again. This is a really crazy chapter aswell and could you read the note at the end aswell please. Comment? Vote? Fan? Whatever you feel like thanks- Emily :D

As I sat down away from both Niall and Zayn Niall gave me a funny look and I ignored it.

"Okay who now?" I questioned wanting to move on.

"Me." Harry yelled all to enthusiastically. He spun and it landed on Jess she blushed and he turned to me and I mouthed "Get in there." to him and winked. He smirked and went in to the bathroom followed by Jess.

She grabbed me before she went in though.

"Okay I lied I have a huge crush on him what am I gonna do help." she rushed out in a whisper.

"I know for a fact he likes you to he told me so himself just let him decide and Jess? Try and act normal." I said. She nodded and followed him in closing the door behind her.

After about a minute we heard them well not speaking more slobbery kissing noises okay gross. Louis was smirking and Liam was making puking faces. 

"OH as if Liam you and "Dani" are much worse. (A/N no hate to Danielle she's awsum) He glared at me with evil eyes and I rolled my eyes.

"TIIIIIMMMEEE!" I screamed after a few minutes. The door swung open and they both looked really happy, they both looked at me.

"I just I don't wanna know." I said shaking my head smirking. They walked past me hand in hand I take it they're a couple.

"Okay truth or dare now." Louis said clearly bored of this game already. We all nodded in agreement.

"Spin to pick again." Lou said then span the bottle and it landed on Aggie.

"Okay truth or dare?" he asked her.

"Truth." she answered.

"Virgin or not?" he asked. I almost choked personal much? She went bright red.

"I am not answering that." she said.

"Fine then forfit you have to," he paused and thought "sleep in the bathroom that goes for anyone else okay?" he said and it was agreed that was our forfit.

Next to spin the bottle was Harry. It landed on me of course.

"Truth or dare?"

"Truth." I said I don't trust him with dares yet.

"Tell us what really went on between you and you." he said pointing to me and Liam. Even the girls didn't know the fully story. It wasn't just him becoming famous. I sighed Liam looked at me.

"Might as well." he said not looking forward to what was coming next.

"Okay well, when we were 14 he auditioned once right you all know that? When he got back he didn't talk to me much sort of pushed me to the side ignored me at school." Jess and Aggie knew this bit because they were there for me.

"Then at home he stopped speaking to me so I asked him why,"  at this point Liam was staring at the ground "He  said I wasn't worth his time Then we both fell out I mean really fell out we had a big fight." All while I said this I watched him. " I ended up in a coma in hospital from fighting with him. I was out for 2 weeks. When I did wake up he didn't care wouldn't look at  me."

I carried on " He's never said sorry for it. My own twin brother put me in a coma and didn't say sorry." No one knew that part. They all looked shocked. "It was all because fame went to his head at 14. Things never went back to normal mum didn't know cuz she was away while I was in the coma and when he auditioned again I made myself distant from him. I'll never trust him again." I finished and got up and walked out tears in my eyes.

All from asking to tell the truth in a stupid game of truth or dare. Maybe I shouldn't have told them. It's done now. Liam walked out into the night but didn't see me I hid round the corner of the shed. Someone else came out with him.

"Why didn't you say sorry?" and irish accent rang out. Niall.

"I didn't-I don't. I was so scared when she was in that coma. I thought she was sure to die. I guess I thought if mum didn't find out and me and her kept our mouths shut it would go away." he stuttered out then started breathing heavily, he was crying.  A tear dripped down my cheek.

"Liam you of all people know it dosen't work like that. Wait you mean your mum never knew what happened? Why didn't Lex say anything?" Niall asked. 

I slid down to the ground and brought my legs upto my chest and hugged them. My 19th birthday and I'm sitting alone thinking about the worst few years of my life.

"You okay?" Zayn's voice whispered.

"Yeah fine." I coughed and whiped my face of any tears.

"For some reason I don't believe you." he tried to lighten the situation. I just shrugged. He sat down on the ground and leaned against the shed next to me.

"I learned you don't like sympathy but you look like you could really use a hug." I nodded, I was to lost in thought to speak. He pulled me into a warm hug. 

I was surprised at how warm he was we were both in P.J's . I had trackies and a baggy short sleeved grey top on and he was in trackies and a zip up jumper. I rested my head in the rook of his neck and we sat in silence for a minute.

"Why did Niall see if Liam was okay and not me?" I wondered allowed. I don'r know why it bugged mebut if he liked me as much as he said he did then it didn't make sense.

"Him and Liam are really close," he paused "Niall really likes you y'know he dosen't really fall for girls but it's so obvious that he's completely and utterly fallen for you Lex." he finished. He put his arm round me and tightened his grip.

"Why did I have to have Liam of all people as my twin brother?" I whipered.

"You two need to talk, you need to sort things out." Zayn breathed. "Then you can set Niall straight whatever you do to him don't hurt him to bad in the end." I nodded and I wanted to burrie myself deeper into his warmth.

He got up and offered me his hand. I took it and stood up and brushed myself off. He was right me and Liam needed to sort things out and soon.

"Lexi look at me." Zayn said as  he lifted my chin up and mde me look him right in the eye. "I'm here for you okay if you ever need anyone."

He then walked off. Why everyone thought he was the quiet one I don't know he is amazing with words.

 A/N Me again, you will find out later in the story why Lexi never told their mum about being in the coma. I'll put it in when it fits. ould also tell me if this chapter was a bit to full on if you get what I mean? Thanks again- Emily :D 

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