Oops i did it again

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Summary: Peter is dating some dude named Cruz and he cheats on him with some hoe, Peter has known this for a long time and calls for Loki to show who's boss
Peter walks around the avengers tower looking for Loki to ask him something important. Loki sat there in his room watching some Netflix (yes loki and Thor have figured out how to work electronics) Peter knocks on his door waiting to be invited in. Loki opens the door and is a bit surprised as to why the little spider is outside his door. "Uhh hi Mr Loki sir um I was wondering if you could come with me to school today? Youdon'thavetoandstuffit'sjustthatmyboyfriendischeatingonmeandI'veknownforawhileandyeaIwasjustwonderingifyoucouldhelpmeshowhimwhathe'smissingoutonan-" (translation- you don't have to and stuff it's just that my boyfriend is cheating on me and I've known for a while and yea I was just wondering if you could help me show him what he's missing out of an-) Peters rambling got cut off when Loki put up his hand to silence him. Peter looked down embarrassed but Loki just put his fingers under his chin, lifted his chin up and gave him a reassuring smile, Peter was the only one who helped him while the other avengers were still uneasy around him. So of course Loki would help him, he's not that mean after all so he obviously agreed and transformed himself into a pen.

*time skip to where Peter arrives at school*

Once Peter enters school he sees a big crowd around something, when they heard the doors all eyes turned to him, he shifted uncomfortably under all the stares but made his way through the crowd. He saw his "boyfriend" kissing some random chick, Peter sighed and waited patiently for him to see that Peter was standing there, Cruz and Brittany (basic white girl name I know, also I'm not directing this to anyone named Brittany). A few minutes go by and they finally stopped kissing, Cruz looks up from Brittany with a smug look on his face while everyone had their phones out to record, "ya know if you broke up with me you could be with anyone you want" Peter said with an annoyed expression and an eyeroll, Cruz just smirks, "oops I did it again, I played with your heart, got lost in the game-" he gets cut off with a flash of green light revealing the one and only god of Mischief, Loki. Peter finishing what Cruz was saying smugly, "oh baby, baby, You think I'm in love" Peter then looked up to Loki wrapped his hands around his neck and brought him into a kiss, Loki did hesitate to kiss him back and when they finally pulled away everyone was shook, their faces held shock while Cruz looked pissed, after about a minute of silence everyone went crazy, all the guys cheering on Peter for being a brave enough man to have the balls to kiss Loki while all the girls were fangirling about it. Cruz and Brittany looked as pissed as each other, Cruz came up to punch Loki and Peter but with Peters spidey senses and Loki's powers, Peter ducked the punch and Loki used his magic to break his wrist. The whole school was now watching, even the teachers, they were all wondering how Peter ducked the punch from behind, Peter saw all they're faces and just smiled sweetly. "By the way.... I'm spiderman" he then pulled up his sleeves, grabbed Loki and swung off. After everyone got recovered all hell broke loose, the internet broke, Brittany and Cruz got expelled, while Peter and Loki got one of the "dad" talks from Tony.

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