"I love you all.." Peter Parker angst :((

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Peter was having a somewhat normal day today, he turned in his homework, Flash wasn't bothering him as much, MJ and Ned were in his every period. So yea, normal.

That was until he was walking home from school. He was walking past the same alleyway he does everyday to get to the Avengers tower, when he was taken by surprise when a bag was placed over his head and he felt a prick in his neck, knowing it was some kind of sleeping drug.

When he awoke from the rough pulling of the bag being taken off, he found himself tied to a chair in a dark room, in front of him was a camera on a tripod, facing him. Behind the camera were a few guards covered in full black gear. 'Probably HYDRA again.' Peter thought bitterly.

The door opened and a few more guards rushed in, then a tall man with a bald head, wearing a very expensive suit. The man walked up to the camera, turning on and stood back, "well spiderchild, we haven't officially met, but I'm sure you've heard of me." The man smirked, Peter recognised the voice almost immediately "Obadiah Stane." Peter growled, struggling against the chains.

"Also, it's not child. It's man." He glared at the bald headed man, Stane scoffed but still remained smirking. "Your father took something very important to me, and now it's time to return the favour don't you think?" Peters breath hitched, eyes darting around the room for some sort of escape.

"Sorry Parker, there's no escape out of this." Stane chuckled, "I'll be generous, I'll let you say your goodbyes to ten people and ten people only. Make it snappy but." Peters eyes looked at the camera in front of him, and heard the slight beeping, "it's live, isn't it?" He sighed, Stane grinned, showing his straight, white teeth. "Broadcasting everywhere around the world. Every TV program, billboard, phone, everything. Best thing about it is that no one, not even Tony Stark can track this technology."

Peter scoffed, 'yea right, dad can track anything with the snap of his fingers.' Peter glared at the man before looking back at the camera and sighed.

"Harley...oh Harley I'm so sorry, this isn't how today was meant to go, how the rest of our lives were meant to go. Please forgive me, you know that I'll always love you.." Peter started to tear up.

"Aunt May, I'm sorry I put all this stress on you, you don't deserve to be out under everything, I wish you'd take a vacation someday soon. I truly am sorry."

"Ned, my guy in the chair, oh man, I'll miss you and our Star Wars marathons. Thank you for covering all those close calls for me all those times. You're truly the bestest friend I could've asked for." Tears started to flow down his cheeks, but he held his voice strong.

"MJ, my beautiful MJ, I'm sorry I'll be leaving you, you're drawings are the best I've ever seen. Thank you for sticking up for me when Flash was being a dick, you really didn't have to hang out with Ned and I but I thank you for being my friend.."

"Bucky, oh god Bucky," Peter had to look up and blink the tears away. "Y-you're like my big brother, the best I could ever ask for. You're s-so strong, don't e-ever let HYDRA or a-anyone get to you o-ok?" His voice started to crack, "y-you're so cool and smart a-and everything else. I l-love you B-Bucky.."

"L-Loki, everything I-I said to Bucky I mean to you t-too. You're the best b-big brother ever. D-don't go off killing anymore p-people ok? Only very bad guys." He let out a watery laugh, "L-love you L-Loki.."

He tried to calm himself down, taking in some deep breaths.

"Deadpool. O-oh Wade..my partner in c-crime. You have to p-promise me not to unalive anyone anymore o-ok? Promise me that only really really bad guys die by your h-hands ok? Besides N-Ned and M-MJ you're my best friend and I l-love you.."

He tried t smile at the camera, but it came out shaky and he could taste his tears.

"Eddie and V," Stane glared at him from behind the camera, "oh shut it, they're the same person." Stanes glare hardened and Peter continued. "Eddie you're the c-coolest uncle I c-could ever ask for, y-you and Venom are the p-perfect match for e-each other. V-Venom you have to promise me the same thing as Deadpool. O-only really really bad guys d-die by your h-hands, or goo, whatever you're m-made of V."

"A-Avengers, please work t-together with V and W-Wade, it's all I a-ask for. All I wanted was for e-everyone to get along. I-If you can get along Bucky and Loki then p-please get along w-with Venom and W-Wade. W-When I die, you all h-have to work together, p-please.."

He could feel his face getting wet and sticky from his tears, snot dribbled down from his nose, some getting into his mouth but he didn't care.

"Dad, oh d-dad." He heard a gun being loaded and locked, he looked at one of the guards and saw them holding a loaded hand gun. "I-Im really going to die.." he whispered to himself, "o-oh god. Daddy I'm sorry! I'm sorry I got into this situation, I s-swear I didn't mean to! Daddy I love you really! A-And I promise n-none of this is y-your fault! Please don't let this get to you! Don't over work y-yourself, sleep! Go with m-mr Strange, take a vacation! Just please don't work yourself to d-death because of m-mine!"

The tears started to flow down faster now, he looked down and sniffled, "Is that all you'd like to say?" Stane asked, looking smug from behind the camera, Peter just nodded, his lungs hurt from the crying. "Alright then." Stane chuckled and motioned for the guard with the gun to walk to Peter.

Peter didn't look up when he felt the cold metal of the gun press into his temple, his mind was racing, his senses were going overboard, he could hear everything, feel everything. It was too much, he wanted it to stop.

"Now." He heard Stane command, he could hear the guards finger graze over the trigger, but the finger hesitated for the slightest second.

And then, he felt the slightest pinch in his head. He couldn't feel anything anymore, couldn't hear anything anymore.

He was finally at peace.

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