Is it just a cover up? (Readerxbucky)

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I do not mean to disrespect or offend the lgbtq+ community, if I do in any way please let me know. Also I have not watched Tobys or Andrews Spider-Man's I have only watched Toms, so don't come at me.
You were sitting in your science class next to Peter and Gwen, you've been friends since you were in diapers. Peter was Spider-Man, you were Hocus, you could control the seasons in battle and Gwen was just your lesbian best friend. She knew everything about you. She was the single one in your trio, you were dating Bucky and Peter was dating MJ.

The bell went, signalling that the school day had ended. You three walked to the tower, you guys had talked about school and stuff on the way there. When you entered you were greeted by FRIDAY. You all scanned your passes. Gwen had a level 8 while you and Peter had level 10s. Tony said it was because he had a bad feeling about her and didn't trust her with a card that she could get into the penthouse whenever she wants, you just brushed it off as him being an idiot. You went up the elevator and stepped inside. It was made of glass and you could see everyone working around it. It made you happy for some reason. The doors opened and you all were greeted by all the avengers sitting on the couch watching a movie they found. When they heard the small 'ding' the elevator made, they turned their heads to you three. They all opened their mouths to greet you three but Gwen beat them to it.
"BUCKY!" She ran up to him and hugged him tightly. 'She's lesbian, she's just being nice' you thought but you were a bit frustrated that she went straight to your boyfriend, and hugged him right infront of you. The others including Peter gave her a disgusted look. Bucky pulled her off of him. "Hi to you too Gwen" he gave her a pat on the back. He went up to you and kissed your cheek while wrapping an arm around your waist. You smiled and leaned into his shoulder. You swore you saw a look of disgust and jealousy cross Gwens face but you shrugged it off.

"Peter, Gwen and I were going to go to my room and watch some movies. You wanna come?" You asked Bucky. He nodded his head, arm still wrapped around you. You were happy for these moments, he didn't touch you much (no dirty things like that people) only simple pats on the back and that's all. You walked to your room and put on The Bee Movie, your bed was big enough to somehow fit you four onto it. Peter was sitting up against the headboard, you were sitting on buckys lap, while Gwen was in front of Bucky on her stomach. At times she would 'stretch' meaning her ass would come up and she shook it a bit. You could tell Bucky was uncomfortable so you put your hand atop of his, he intertwined your fingers together. After a few hours at was 6:30pm and you decided it was time to pack up. "Alright guys I think we should call it a day. Pete, Bucky I think dinner would be ready about now. Gwen I think your mum would want you home now." You smiled 'sweetly' at her. She did the same gesture back. She was walking out of your room door when she turned back around. "Bucky would you pretty, pretty please walk me down to the receptionist?" She battered her eyelashes while giving him her 'puppy dog eyes' at him. He sighed, and nodded. She started squealing, she then proceeded to grab his arm and drag him. Once they left and went to the elevator, you and Peter went to the others. They had seen Gwen drag Bucky around and they weren't happy. You sat in between Tony and Steve, they were like your fathers. You started to tear up a bit. "Do... do you think the whole 'I'm lesbian' thing is a cover up? I mean look at her with Bucky, she's always on him and I just... I just can't do this anymore." You started to cry. The whole team hugged you, putting you in the middle of a group hug. The elevator dinged, signalling someone was about to come out, you were all expecting it to be Bucky, but it was Bucky and Gwen. She had her arm wrapped around Buckys and was giggling like he had just said the most funniest thing ever. You all were just standing there in shock. "Gwen, what are you still doing here?" You asked, wiping your eyes so it didn't look like you were crying. "Oh my mum called and said I could stay the night here" you just nodded and walked off to your room. Peter was right in your tail. Once you closed your door, you broke down, crying into Peters arms. He held you close, running his fingers through your hair. Once you has finished crying, you washed your face but your eyes were still red, you walked out of your room to eat dinner. You saw then all eating pizza on the ground watching a movie, you sat down near Tony with Peter sitting next to you. You were going to sit next to Bucky but Gwen chose to sit there.

It was about the end of the movie when everyone decided to call it a night. You started to walk to Bucky so you guys could go to his room and go to sleep. But Gwen had other plans. "Hey Bucky, do you mind if I sleep in your room tonight? It gets a little cold in the guest bedroom". Bucky turned to you for an answer but you were already down the hall going into your room. You slammed your door and slid down crying into your knees. You honestly had enough of her antics. You sat there crying for a few minutes until you decided you'd go to Peters room and sleep. MJ was fine with you sleeping in Peters room because she knew it was more of a bother/sister relationship, so you walked down the hall in your pjs to Peters room. You knocked on the door and walked in, he was on FaceTime with MJ. She saw your face and immediately went mother mode. "Y/n, sweetie what happened?" You could tell she was about to beat a bitch up. "It's just Gwen, she's been hanging off and around Bucky lately and it's getting really annoying. She's even sleeping in his room because it's 'cold' in the guest room. It's all just really annoying and I-" your voice started to crack, your eyes started to burn with tears threatening to come out. Peter immediately wrapped you into a hug. "I just don't know if I can do this anymore. She's become more toxic ever since I started to live with the avengers. She copies everything I do I just can't handle it anymore" your tears start to drop across your cheeks. You loved Gwen but now she's taken it to far. You started to rant to Peter and MJ about what she's done recently. You fell asleep a few hours later, still in Peters arms. He picked you up gently carrying you to his bed. He placed you down on his bed, putting one of his hoodies on you and carefully putting the covers over you. It was around 11 so Peter said goodnight to MJ and slept on the couch in his room.

At 2 am, Peters door slightly opened to reveal Bucky, he saw you on Peters bed and slowly walked over to you. He crouched down and was shocked to see your tear streaked face, he also saw that you were in Peters hoodie, his faced softened and he started to caress your face. "Aw baby, I'm sorry doll, I really am but she just did it without question. I love you Y/N." He kissed your forehead and then your lips. He left the room, with a sad smile and look on his face.

*Buckys pov*
Bucky walked down to his room and saw Gwen sleeping in his bed like she's in a palace, Bucky gagged. He left the room and went down to Tony's lab. He knocked on the lab door and waited for a few seconds before it opened to a energetic Tony. "Hey Bucky what can I do for ya?" Bucky chuckled a bit at the shorter man. "Well my arm has been playing up a bit and I was hoping you could have a look at it." Tony nodded so he took off his arm and placed it in front of him. "What's been up with it?" Tony asked, bringing the arm up closer to his face. "Well it's been a little stiff at times and sometimes it moves on it's own." Tony hummed and went looking for a screwdriver. "Well it seems like there's something inside of it, it's gonna take a few hours so you can go back to bed or you can stay down here if you want." Bucky immediately answered "yea I think I'm staying down here. Gwen decided the couch was too small so she wanted to sleep next to me in my bed." He rolled his eyes while Tony slightly growled. "She's been nothing but trouble the day she found out that we were recruiting Y/N. God a I hate that bitch, you don't know how upset Y/N was before, she started crying, and you guys know how much Steve and I hate seeing her cry.". Bucky stayed silent, not knowing what to say. They stayed in a comfortable silence for a few hours until Tony was finished. "Well it looks like some wood chips from one of our last missions got caught in your arm. Should be all better now, if it has anymore complications just come down to me and I'll fix it. Now I'm hungry so let's go see if Steve's and making some breakfast." Tony said while rubbing his hands together and licking his lips. Bucky chuckled and opened the door for Tony.

*3rd person pov*
Lucky enough everyone but Gwen was up. You watched as Bucky and Tony come to sit at the table with the rest of you guys. They all started making some small talk with each other while you just kept to yourself. Gwen came strutting in like she owned the place and sat down near Bucky. The tension in the room thickened but obviously wasn't noticed by Gwen. Steve placed the food on the table and let everyone dig in. You only got some eggs and orange juice, not really in the mood for eating. You watched Gwen talk to Bucky like you weren't in the room. Gwen spoke two words that got wandas eyes glowing red, your powers just becoming uncontrollable, and everyone else giving her death wishes.

                                         "I'm bi"
😈 I'm so evil. Anyways here's another oneshot for y'all hope you like it

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