Heather (spideypool)

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Spideypool of course, stony a bit. Wade can teleport. Just a random girls name I chose so don't come at me. Also Wade is deadpool, he did get the experimental stuff on him but he didn't get any scars

Warnings: none ig I think this is angsty idk

I still remember,
The third of December,
Me in your sweater,
You said it looked better,
On me then it did you,
Only if you knew how,
Much I liked you.

It was a normal winters day, Peter and Wade were sitting were talking on the avengers towers rooftop eating some tacos Wade picked up for them. Peter was shivering a bit, not used to being out in the cold for a long time. Wade noticed and teleported to his house so that he could get Peter one of his sweaters. He teleported back to where Peter was and gave him his oversized red Spider-Man hoodie. Peter chuckled a bit and rolled his eyes, he put it over his long sleeved shirt. It went down just above his knees, Wade thought it was cute. "You know." Wade said while taking a bite of his taco. "That sweater looks better on you then it does on me" Wade took another bite of his taco finishing it while Peter was blushing furiously. Peter would never admit to it but he liked the pet names Wade gave him but lately he hasn't been calling him anything other then 'Peter' or 'Pete'. He had liked Wade very much, ever since he took him home to get fixed up after Peter got injured.

But I watch your eyes,
As she walks by,
What a sight for sore eyes,
Brighter then a Blue sky,
She's got you mesmerised,
While I die.

Peter and Wade both decided that they were going to go to Peters room to watch a movie. They walked down the stairs from the roof top and went on the elevator down to the kitchen to grab some snacks. That's when Wade saw her. Delancey. She was a new intern for Tony who was very pretty. She had blond curly hair that went down just below her shoulders. Her eyes were a piercing blue and her makeup was always perfect. She just became friends with Peter and Wade, having met them when they were walking around the tower a few days ago. Wade couldn't keep his eyes off her. "Hey Peter why don't you grab the snacks and I'll meet you in your room. I'll be there in a few minutes. Also can I have my hoodie back?" Peter nodded and took the hoodie off and gave it to Wade. Wade then went off and starting talking to Delancey. Peter sighed and grabbed the snacks. He went to his room and put on the movie they were going to watch together. Ten minutes past and wades still not there. An hour rolls around and Peter had given up hope. His unwanted tears started the slide down his cheeks, they had been planning this day for a while now. It was one of the only days that Tony let Wade in the tower. Peter did all this convincing for nothing. It was about six when FRIDAY called him down for dinner. Peter wiped his tears and headed out.

Why would you ever kiss me?
I'm not even half as pretty,
You gave her your sweater,
it's just polyester
But you like her better,
Wish I were Heather.

Watch as she stands with her,
holding your hand,
Put your arm 'round her shoulder,
now I'm getting colder
But how could I hate her,
she's such an angel
But then again,
kinda wish she were dead.

Peter went down to the kitchen and saw Wade and Delancey holding hands, wearing the Spider-Man hoodie Wade had. Peter felt his stomach drop. Wade left him for her? But how could Peter blame him? She was gorgeous. He went to sit at his spot at the table. Wade just completely ignored him, his eyes glued on Delancey. When Wade did notice him it was when everyone was at the table eating pasta that Steve cooked. "Oh sorry Peter I forgot all about the movie. Sorry I got caught up in some things." He gave his charming smile that made The butterflies in Peters stomach have a party. Once he got the butterflies to calm down, he started eating his pasta. After dinner they all had some ice cream while sitting on the couch. Wade put his arm around her shoulder and Peter slightly got colder. Peters head started to ache a bit thinking he was just getting a brain freeze. 'How could I hate her? She's an angel for everyone here.' Peter thought to himself. 'But then again. I kinda wish she were gone.' A gasp was heard and immediately Peter knew why his head was hurting. All eyes turned to Wanda who had her eyes on Peter while her hand was on her mouth. "P-Peter"  at that all eyes turned to Peter. He just started to tear up, he dropped his ice cream and ran to his room. "I'll go see what's wrong with him" Wade started to get up when he was stopped. Her eyes and hands were glowing red. "You did this. You made my little brother cry. Get out" they were all confused. Wanda did something with her magic and put it in Tony's and Steve's heads. After a few seconds they had murderous faces. The others were scared for their lives, especially Delancey. "Delancey sweetie you can go home now. We have some talking to do with your boyfriend" Tony said, Sounding sickenly sweet, but sweet enough that she believed it. Once she left, Tony called for his suit while cap got his shield. The others, besides Wanda, were confused. "You have exactly ten seconds to get out of this fucking building before I let Wanda rip you in two. Hurt my son again and I'll let it happen" Cap had a very dark look on his face, Wade looked shocked, so did the rest of the team. Wade gave up and left.

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