help (part two)

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Taehyun and Yeonjun were on their date, as usual.

They went to an amusement park, but strangely (Yeonjun thinks), Taehyun was acting unusual.

He was zoning out, he was silent, and he wasn't smiling.

Yeonjun thinks Taehyun was just stressed about school, since Taehyun was a law student.

Towards the end of their date, they walked until they reached the lake with a boat ride.

"Hyunnie, before we go to this ride, I wanna tell you something." he giggled.

"Hmm?" Taehyun only hummed as he was still thinking about the Beomgyu-liking-him-thingy.

"I love you, Hyunnie." he confessed, taking the younger's hands and holding them.

It was the first time that someone told someone 'I love you'.

Taehyun was shocked. He didn't know what to feel.

Would he feel happy because Yeonjun loves him? Or would he feel sorry because he doesn't feel the same?

Yeonjun was already leaning in for a kiss,as it was supposed to be their first kiss (they didn't kiss on their first date) when Taehyun pulled away and released Yeonjun's grip on his hands.

"Hyung, I-I'm sorry, I c-can't do this. I don't love you."

Yeonjun teared up, excruciated by the younger's confession.

"Why? Why don't you love me Hyunnie? Am I not enough? Please tell me the things I need to change about myself, I'll change it just for you to love me."

"Yeonjun hyung, you're great, even perfect. But, I'm the one who's at fault. I was so selfish on my own personal desires, that I didn't know that I was hurting someone who loved me, who in fact, the person that I loved too. All these years, the one who I truly loved is him.

I'm really sorry Yeonjun hyung, I'm sorry if I confused romantic feelings with admiration. I really, truly admire you so much, but I don't love you the way you love me. I'm so sorry for leading you on, hyung."

Yeonjun was bawling his eyes out at this point, but he wiped his nose and cleared his throat.

"If it makes you happy, Hyunnie, then I will be too. I know it'll take time for me to heal, but I just wanted you to know that you're really the best person that I've dated.

I hope you find genuine happiness and love to the person you chose. And thank you for making me happy, Hyunnie." the pink haired smiled, despite his tear stained cheeks and red nose.

"Thank you hyung, I hope you also find someone who deserves your great love, and I hope that that person would make you happy every single day." he hugged the older and rubbed the latter's back gently.


Taehyun likes Beomgyu.

No wait, he loves Beomgyu.


Well, he doesn't really know the specific reason.

Maybe because he likes it the most when Beomgyu calls him 'Hyunnie' and pinches his cheeks,

Or maybe it's the way that sometimes, Beomgyu was clumsy as hell and when he trips, he would pout and it was cute as fuck,

Or maybe it was the way that Beomgyu would always be present whenever Taehyun's feeling really down or stressed with his studies, and Beomgyu would literally put up a comedy show at Taehyun's room to cheer him up,

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