Chapter 5 : Friends?

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After Charms me and the boys met up with Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan. We were making our way through the courtyard so we could go to the common room and Ron was moaning about Hermione.

"It's LeviOsa, not LeviosA," he mocked and we all laughed. "She's a nightmare honestly," he grumbled, "no wonder he hasn't got any friends."

I chuckled at Ron's joke but a few seconds later I felt someone barge past me. I almost fell down but Ron put his hands out, stopping me from falling. Hermione had ran off past us, crying her eyes out. I felt really bad. We stopped and watched her walk off as she sobbed.

"I think she heard you," Harry muttered and I sighed. "For god sake," I groaned, admitting to myself that I need to see if she's okay, "I'll be back in a second guys."

I waved them all goodbye and ran after Hermione. She ran to the girls bathroom on the ground floor and I followed her in.

I walked in and called her name. "Hermione?" I spoke softly. She didn't answer. There was one stall door closed. I could heard sobbing coming from the inside. "Hermione," I spoke softly again. "Go away," she cried and I slowly opened the stall door.

She was sat on the floor by the toilet, hugging her knees. She looked up at me, her eyes red and puffy and her face stained with tears. I walked in and shut the door, sitting down opposite from her. I lifted my knees up and leant my head against the wall behind me and sighed.

We were in there for about ten minutes, sat in silence. The only sound was us breathing and sometimes Hermione's random sniffles.
"I'm sorry about what Ron said," I whispered out of no where and she looked at me.
"It's okay," she gulped and there was another couple minutes of silence.
"What are you doing here anyway?" She asked, "you hate me."

I sighed and cleared my throat. "Hate is a strong word," I cringed she looked at me, tears still running down her face. "It may be a strong word, but it's the right word," she pointed out and I shrugged.

"I guess I'm just..." I mumbled, "...jealous."
She looked at me confused. "Why?" She questioned and I shrugged again. "What's not to be jealous of?" I chuckled nervously and she shook her head chuckling.
"I'm a buck tooth, know it all with big bushy hair and no friends," she deceived herself and we both giggled. There was another minute of silence as I thought.
"Or maybe," I began, "you could say that your a very intelligent, beautiful girl who has just not found the right conditioner yet." I chuckled and she giggled at my words. Her laughing made me laugh and we were soon both having a laughing fit.

After about ten minutes of straight laughing we finally calmed down, taking deep breaths. "Thanks," she smiled and smiled back.
"Friends?" She asked, hesitantly and I smiled even more. "Friends," I confirmed and she leant over, wrapping her arms around me.

We sat there hugging for a while. Hermione cried for a little longer and I comforted her. We talked about class, food, girl stuff, everything and anything really. I was glad that we were friends now. I mean I love Harry and Ron for being my friends, but it was good to talk to a girl for once.

Hermione looked at her watch and gasped. "What?" I asked and she stood up. "We're missing the feast," she informed me and helped me stand up too.

"Okay let's get those tear stains off your face and go to the feast cause I'm starving," I chirped and she nodded, smiling.

We walked out and she washed her face. We both turned around and gasped. Panic spread all over me. "Shit," I breathed as I hyperventilated. Hermione gasped and turned to me. "Elizabeth," she complained at my use of language.

A huge troll stood in front of us. It was a greeny-blue colour and had dusty old clothes with holes in them. It's teeth were yellow and rotten and it had a small head but large body. We screamed bloody murder and ran back into our stall. The troll took its large, mouldy baseball bat and hit our stall walls, demolishing the wood. We screamed and yelled for help and soon the door to the girls bathroom barged open to reveal Harry and Ron.

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