Chapter 89 : The Beginning

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Everyone was holding on tight to the dragon as it swooped down toward the rolling hills of the British countryside, everyone's arms thoroughly tired from holding themselves up for so long. We had gotten away from London without being followed, though we were in the clear for now, and needed to figure out how to gracefully dismount a flying dragon.

As the dragon glided through the air, a lake came in to view and all four of us seemed to have the same idea as soon we we saw it, though none of us were excited for wheat we were about to do.

"I say we jump!" Ron yelled over the wind as the dragon flew over the lake, the murky water below is looking rather uninviting, though it was either that or solid ground the lake was clearly the better option.

"When?" Hermione called back, tightening her grip to stop herself from slipping accidentally. I had no need to worry about that, since one of Harry's arms was still tightly wrapped around me, preventing me from falling.

"Now!" Harry ordered, letting go of the dragon and dropping to the lake. The three of us let go pretty much immediately after, four large splashes coming as each one of us was consumed in the icy water.

As soon as we all surfaced from the chilling depths of the lake, we quickly began swimming to the edge, where we could climb out. It was harder than I had expected, since the cold was so brutal that it almost felt as though I was being frozen, causing it to be difficult for me to swim. I managed though, with only mild struggling.

Ron climbed the rocks first, bending down to help Hermione up, who was still in Bellatrix's outfit, making the swim even harder for her. Then Harry climbed out, easily pulling me out of the water.

"You're going to catch a cold," Harry muttered with a frown, looking down at me as I shivered in his arms, so cold that my lips had almost turned blue. I brushed off his concern, taking his shaking hand in mine.

His dark, wet hair was plastered to his forehead, he looked paler than ever and his glasses were covered in wet drops.

"He knows," Harry started through his panting, attempting to regain his breath, "you-know-who. He knows we broke into Gringotts, he knows what we took, and he knows we're hunting horcruxes." He rambled as the four of us made our way away from the lake, up the hill nearby.

"How is it he knows?" I asked, clearly having a struggle with getting up the hill.

"I saw him," Harry admitted, causing Hermione to give him a rather hard whack on the arm. Needless to say that Harry didn't appreciate it.

"You let him in? Harry you can't do that!" She scolded, her eyebrows furrowed together. She knew that if Voldemort could figure out where we were from invading Harry's brain, we were all as good as dead.

"Well, I can't always help it Hermione!" Harry exclaimed, his stress causing his voice to raise. Hermione completely ignored his tone, knowing full well that Harry didn't intend to yell. He had always been louder when stressed. "Well, maybe I can, I don't know," he added in a mumble.

"Well, what happened?" Ron asked, his hair looking more brown than ginger due to it being soaked.

"Well...he's angry and scared, too. He knows that if we find and destroy all the horcruxes we'll be able to kill him. I reckon he'll stop at nothing to make sure we don't find the rest." As Harry was talking, Hermione had kneeled to the ground and began digging through her endless bag. Reaching her hand in, she pulled a small vial out, gestering to everyone to hold their hands out to her. Everyone did, and she put a drop of the liquid on to everyone's hands, then her own, and began frantically rubbing it in. As soon as I began rubbing my hands together, whatever Hermione had pit on them cause my entire body to magically heat up, and to call it a relief would be an understatement. "There more, there's a horcrux at Hogwarts."

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