Chapter 81 : 𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕤

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The ride over to the Burrow wasn't easy. The death eaters must have had word that we would be moving Harry tonight so they were prepared. They were on us right from the start. And to add to it, it was dark and we could barely see. I was literally trusting Fred with my life sat in the back of his broomstick.

Eventually we arrived at the burrow, along with Arthur Weasley, who apperated just as we got there. We were the last to arrive out of everyone.

As soon as we both got off the broom I spotted Harry, Hermione and Ron stood together Ron a huddle. Hermione immediately ran over to me, enfolding me in a hug. "Thank god your okay," she whispered before pulling away. Harry was now next to her and he wrapped his arms around my neck. I hugged his waist tightly, never wanting to let go.

"That was so scary," I whispered into his ear, "I'm never doing that ever again."

He let out a little chuckle and I pulled away.

"Where's George?" Fred asked. I looked around and couldn't see George. Harry nodded towards the house with a sad look on his face and we made our way inside frantically.

Mrs Weasley was sat by the couch. George's tall figure was slouched along the couch, blood trickling from his face.

We stood with sad looks as Fred crouched beside him. "How you feeling Georgie?" Fred asked his brother.

"Saint like," George's voice was very quiet, but you could still hear him. Fred's eyebrows furrowed at his brothers words.

"Come again?" He mumbled.

"Saint like. I'm holy," George joked, pointing at his ear, "I'm holy Fred, get it?"

Fred chuckled, "the whole wide world of ear related humour and you go for I'm holy? It's pathetic."

"Recon I'm still better looking than you," George smirked causing his brother to chuckle.

Bill Weasley stood out from the crowd, a disappointed and upset look upon his face. "Mad Eyes dead," he announced, silence filling the room, "Mundungus took one look at Voldemort and disaperated."

Now that Harry was safe and sound at the burrow, we were all getting together for Fluer and Bills wedding. It wasn't a big gathering, considering everything that was going on but it enough. And little did everyone know, Fluer, Bill and I had a little surprise for everyone.

On the morning of their wedding, Hermione and I were getting ready together. She was sat on her bed, doing her makeup and I was sat at the dresser curling my long blonde hair with the straighteners. Then, we switched. She used the straighteners and I did my makeup.

We were about to get changed, when there was a knock at the door. It was Ron. "Come downstairs," he muttered, opening the door. "Why?" Hermione asked, placing the straighteners down. Ron paused for a second. "You'll see," he finally replied.

We made our way downstairs. Turns out, the minister of magic was here. "To what do we owe the pleasure minister?" Harry asked as we all sat in the couch opposite him.

"I think we both know the answer to that, Mr Potter," Scrimgeour sighed.

Dumbledore's will...

"This is the last will and testament of Albus Percival Wolfric Brian Dumbledore," he read the parchment aloud, "First, to Ronald Bilius Weasley, I leave my deluminator, a devise of my own making in the hope that when things seam most dark, it will show him the light." He held an object. It looked like a lighter of some sort. He passed it to Ron.

"Dumbledore left this for me?" He beamed, "wicked... erm- what is it?" The man simply looked at Ron, so he gave it a go. He clicked the switch and it sucked in the light from the lamp beside us. He clicked it again, and the light reappeared in the bulb. "Wicked," Ron smirked.

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