Chapter 29 : Back Breakers

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When we got to the platform, we took the carriages up to Hogwarts. It was raining quite heavily so we had to run into the castle, to avoid getting soaked. I was able to cover my hair withy hood but other people weren't so privileged.

We changed into our robes as quick as we could and made our way to the Great Hall for the feast. Hermione and I sat on one side of the Gryffindor table with Ron and Harry opposite us.

"Welcome welcome, to another year at Hogwarts," Dumbledore began as he stepped up to the podium, "now I'd like to say a few words before we all get too fuddled with our delicious feast. Now I'd like to introduce Professor RJ Lupin, who has kindly offered to fill the post of Defence Against the Dark Art teacher. Good luck Professor."

We all clapped as the Professor stood to bow. "Of course, that's why he knew to give you the chocolate Harry," I commented, leaning over the table.

"Potter, Potter," Malfoy whisper-shouted from the Slytherin table behind us and Harry turned around. "Is it true you fainted?" He chuckled and his friend that was sat beside him prended to faint, "I mean you actually fainted?"

Malfoy and his friends laughed and I rolled my eyes. I can't believe I actually had to kiss him last year. "Shove off Malfoy," Ron snapped and turned Harry around.

"How did he find out?" Harry moaned.
Hermione and I sighed and looked at him, "just forget it."

We then turned our attention back to our headmaster, who was still talking about the changing in staff.

"-our Care of Magical Creatures teacher for many years, has decided to retire. In order to spend more time with his remaining limbs. Fortunately, I am delighted to announce that his place will be taken by none other than our very own Rubeus Hagrid," Dumbledore announced and we all began to clap.

Hagrid stood up, knocking over a few drinks as he did, and all the third year Gryffindor's cheered loudly for him.

"Finally, on a more prescribing note," Dumbledore continued once we had all calmed down form the excitement, "as requested by the Minister of Magic, Hogwarts will until further notice play host to the Dementors of Azkaban until a time when Sirius Black is captured. The dementors will be stationed at every entrance. Now, though I have been assured that they will not disturb our day to day activities, a word of caution, Dementors are vicious creatures. They will not distinguish between the one they hunt and the one who gets in their way. Therefore I must warn you, not to give them a reason to harm you. It is not in the nature of a dementor to be forgiving. But you know, happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, when one remembers to turn in the light."

Once we finished the feast, we made our way to the common room. I was talking with Harry, when Seamus came running up to us. "Here listen she just won't let me in," he sighed and we stood in front of the fat lady painting.

"Fortuna Major," Harry spoke. The fat lady wouldn't stop singing. She did this all the time, she can't even sing.

"No, no, no wait, wait, watch this," she yelled and continued singing. She had a glass goblet in her hand and sang in a really high pitched voice. I think she was hoping that her voice would break the glass cause she soon smashed it against the wall and then gasped.

It was more like she was screaming instead of singing. I had to put my hand over Smokey's ears, so it didn't hurt his ear drums.

"Amazing! Top of my voice," she bubbled and I huffed. I've had enough of this.

"Ugh! Fortuna Major," I snapped and Harry stood back a little.

"Oh alright, yes go in," the fat lady groaned and opened the door for us.

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