A Light in the Dark - Prologue

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Yup, so. . . another story! (yay? :D) I just got this idea, and thought it would be nice. Since all my other stories aren't fantasy, I also decided to add some fantasy to this. So be prepared!

Things Are Not What They Seem will be updated later on in the week. . . and. . . I guess that's all.

Okay, hope you all like this story also!



A Light in the Dark - Prologue

Ever heard of "happy endings"--the kind where the main character gets someone who loves him or her back and they live together forever, marry, and have kids? Everything is just perfect for them, and they are really happy in life?

Well, here's something I'm sure of: Life . . . does not have a happy ending. Trust me. Sure, all those disney princesses stories and every other book or movie always tell people to never give up and that they'll always be happy in the end if they just try, but the thing is, those are lies. They were just made up to convince the writers that their lives aren't as messed up as they believe it to be, when in reality . . . they are.

Take it from someone who knows. Someone who has been through so much pain and torture. Someone who never has been loved. Someone . . . who has never even had a chance at life before they had even had one day of it.

Life just doesn't have happy endings--past, present, and future. As some people say: "Life's a bitch." It's true.

And me? Well, for me . . . life isn't just a bitch. No, that word is too insignificant to be used in my situation.

It's hell.

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