xv. The Execution

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chapter fifteen | the execution


MADDIE'S DISTRACTION WORKED, unsurprisingly, and Hermione effortlessly retrieved Harry's Invisibility Cloak, what with the staff's attention based purely on the chaos in another corridor.

"That's so cool!" Maddie gushed excitedly, as the bushy haired girl stuffed the silvery cloak under her robes. "Oh, please can I have a go?"

"You probably will, soon, if you come with us to see Hagrid,"

Maddie grinned to herself as they hurried away, her mind much too focused on the cloak to care about whoever might be soon hunting her down for her diversion.

"Hermione, I don't know what's gotten into you lately!" said Ron, astounded, once the two girls returned to the common room. "First you hit Malfoy, then you walk out on Professor Trelawney-"

Hermione looked rather flattered. Maddie felt like a proud mum.

"It wasn't all me..." she said, before going on to start explaining about Maddie's execution of breaking into Filch's office and creating some turmoil for the teachers.

They went down to dinner with everybody else, Maddie meeting back up with Jess and Jake and having to restrain herself from expressing her elation at the fact that Harry has a cloak that turns you fucking invisible. But she did not join them in returning to Gryffindor Tower afterward, and instead followed the golden trio into an empty chamber off the entrance hall, listening, until they were sure it was deserted.

They'd just heard the last pair of people hurrying across the hall when Hermione poked her head around the door.

"Okay - no one there - cloak on-"

"Holy fucking shit!" Maddie expressed a bit too loudly.

"Shut up, Maddie," Ron hushed.

Walking very close together so that nobody would see them, they crossed the hall on tiptoe beneath the cloak, then walked down the stone front steps into the grounds. The sun was already sinking behind the Forbidden Forest, gilding the top branches of the trees.

They reached Hagrid's cabin and knocked. He was a minute in answering, and when he did, he looked all around for his visitor, pale-faced and trembling.

"It's us," Harry hissed. "We're wearing the Invisibility Cloak. Let us in and we can take it off."

"Yeh shouldn've come!" Hagrid whispered, but he stood back, and they stepped inside. Hagrid shut the door quickly and Harry pulled off the cloak.

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