v. Snape in a Dress

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chapter five | snape in a dress


Madison Catalina Jordan, first and middle name named after her two grandmothers, meant many different things to many different people.

To most, she was Lee Jordan's, just as troublesome, younger sister and (sometimes) partner in crime. She was a hyperactive, humorous and comedic individual with a good heart - though she had a tendency to not hesitate in expressing her opinion for others. Throughout her daily life, she offered unnecessary commentary during lessons, events, and everything in between that many found amusing. To most, Madison Catalina Jordan was the life and soul of the party, and there was never a dull moment, as long as she was around.

To the people she quite proudly called her friends, she was a loving girl with high spirits, who constantly frustrated them with multiple different things - like her lack of ability to remember to take her Iron Potion to treat her mild anaemia every week - or to remember to remove her records from the phonograph in the Gryffindor Common Room once they'd finished playing - or to get in all of her homework on time in her lessons (except that one might be accidentally on purpose). Still, Madison Catalina Jordan had a heart of gold and her friends couldn't imagine a world in which they wouldn't love her to the death.  To them, she was a sunny, reckless and passionate girl they planned on keeping forever.

And then, there was those in between, who weren't quite sure of what to make of the brown-eyed girl, one of those people being Ronald Bilius Weasley.

She was a magnet to trouble - not in the same sense that Harry Potter was - but rather with the fact that it was because she would do something to trigger a long line of events that trailed after her, wherever she went. Even if she couldn't help it. But it was still sometimes annoying. Or frustrating. And yet, with her witty commentary serving her classmates everyday, most, not all, of the people who had sworn they found her annoying, or even stretched to hating her, somehow ended up warming to her. Maybe it was because she told everything how it was, or because she was the one to say what everyone else was thinking. Or maybe she had some strange magical ability to draw people to her. Who knows. But, to those who weren't sure what to make of Madison Catalina Jordan, she was... certainly something.

And so, when arriving for Defence Against the Dark Arts today, Ron tried his very best to not even look her way. He was best friends with Harry Potter, for starters, that already got him in enough trouble, without having Maddie Jordan thrown into the mix as well. Like, come on, that's just taking the piss?

But, she's so funny, and says the things everyone wishes they were brave enough to say. She was still nice to him even when he'd straight up called her annoying behind her back (which he still felt incredibly guilty for). She'd fought Malfoy with him in the last Potions lesson, and had the guts to sabotage, not only a Slytherin's but one of Snape's favourite students in his lesson. Talk about ballsy.

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