i. Begin With A Bang!

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chapter one | begin with a bang!


Minerva McGonagall was filled with dread the moment she'd learned she was writing a Hogwarts acceptance letter to Lee Jordan's younger sister, because if she was anything like her older brother, she'd be hell to teach.

And, like always, Minerva wasn't wrong.

Maddie had a mouth that operated before her brain, and so blurted out anything that came to mind - much to the amusement of everybody but the teachers.

Her wit and sense of humour somehow made it worse, because half the stuff she said her teachers (excluding Snape - he had no soul) would've laughed at if it wasn't their job to scold her for it. She couldn't help it either, because her mouth ran like the wind and she couldn't really care less.

Of course, this got her into a lot of trouble at school, especially after meeting her best friend Jess, who was almost exactly the same as her. The two were like Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb from Alice in Wonderland, talking back to whoever they pleased and making comments as their teachers spoke - not to be disrespectful, of course, they just couldn't help it.

But, when Jacob joins their duo and they become a trio, he willingly keeps them in line so they wouldn't go too far as to be expelled. Who else was he going to hang around with if his two best friends were gone? Plus, the school would miss their humour and jokes more than anything, so someone had to be an anchor to keep them in place.

Although, they were pretty much unstoppable, most of the time, much like today.

"Potions!" Maddie said loudly with a cheerful tone. "The bane of my life!"

She and Jess walked in and plopped themselves down in their seats, many other Gryffindors and Slytherins surrounding them. Behind them sat Jake, who was next to Neville Longbottom. The two boys were quite good friends - Neville was the only one besides Maddie and Jess to know about Jake's longtime crush on Hermione Granger - so that obviously meant something, especially since he was so secretive.

It wasn't long before Snape strode in wearing a foul expression, his long black cloak gliding dramatically behind him as he did so. Gosh, Maddie despised that man.

Today they'd be making Doxycide - and, truth be told, Maddie and Jess should've known that Snape was going to do something about the two troublemakers, as he'd eyed them coldly the entire time it took for him to register the class and explain the instructions.

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