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Zak woke up, flinching at the sunlight pouring in through the window. His phone was repeatedly buzzing, and he couldn't deny, he found it extremely annoying. At first, he thought it was his alarm clock. The fact that the two sounded so similar should be pretty concerning.
He wouldn't be surprised if Vincent or Darryl were texting him, but then again, Techno messaging him definitely wasn't out of the question either. So, choosing to drag himself out of bed and read the messages, he picked up his phone, scrolling through the few that were sent.

hey, just wanted to remind you we have school and to wake up

I, unfortunately, can't repeatedly text you until you get up, because i have to get to school

but I just wanted to let you know you can't sleep in until 2:00PM

Zak sighed, stifling a laugh at that. It was hilarious, at least to him, that not even shortly after an argument, Techno was still reminding him to wake up. He didn't know he had such a big issue with sleeping in.
Zak shut off his phone and got ready, quickly eating breakfast and heading out the door.
He figured that Techno was already at school, so, he quickened his pace, hoping to get to school on time. He would get scolded by not just the teachers if he was late.
When Zak reached the school, he opened the doors, exhaling when he saw students in the hall. At least he wasn't late. Yet.
Zak turned, noticing Darryl walking towards him, Vincent trailing beside him.
"Class starts really soon," Darryl told him, pointing to his watch.
Zak quickly scanned over it, and realized that Darryl was in fact right. He practically owed his life to Techno for messaging him and waking him up.
"Oh, shit."
"Yeah- Zak! Language!" Darryl scolded him.
"Well, I would rather not be late," Vincent cleared his throat, glancing over to Darryl, in which he shared his first class with. "We should go."
"Yeah, okay," Darryl sighed, finally agreeing. He waved at Zak before going down the hallway on the left.
Zak waved back, deciding to head to his own class.
When he arrived, Techno, as always, was always there. He tended to get to class really early. What a nerd.
Zak sat beside him. Techno seemed pretty invested in a book. So, instead of letting him read in peace, Zak tried to make conversation. Through a joke, of course.
Since class hadn't officially started yet, he pulled out his phone and scrolled through a couple of his photos before finding the desired one. He snickered to himself, nudging Techno.
Techno sighed, accepting the fact that he wouldn't get to focus with Zak sitting beside him. He took his red bookmark and slid it into the book, shutting it and turning to Zak, who was still giggling.
"Yes, Zak, what is it?"
"So, I was at the store the other day, and this guy walked up to me. He tried to say hi to me, but then he sneezed. Do you want to know what he said?"
Techno raised an eyebrow, making it clear that he did not want to hear what he had said. In fact, that was probably the least of his interests right now.
Zak turned his screen around, revealing a picture of a Japanese candy. It had the name "Hi-chew". It was absolutely hilarious to him. Techno, however, did not find this as amusing.
"Did you know Hi-Chew's originated from Japan? It's ingredients are gelatin, fruit-flavoring, and sugar. Anyways, I am unfriending you."
Zak laughed, turning off his phone.
"Come on, you have to give me credit for that! It was a good joke!"
Techno shrugged, though there was a slight flicker of amusement in his eyes.
"That's most certainly debatable."
Zak chuckled, putting his phone back in his pocket. He clearly found his own joke quite funny.
Techno rolled his eyes, though he felt his face heat up. Regardless of the disagreement they'd gotten into recently, he couldn't deny that Zak was a good friend. He told the stupidest jokes that were occasionally funny, and the sheer way he was able to talk to anyone and still be kind to them was truly a good aspect of him.
He had a rather easy-going and light-hearted personality to him, and he was overall a really sweet person.
No one could deny that he had the best smile either. If he felt happy, it pretty much radiated off of him.
It didn't take long for Techno to realize half of the things he was thinking. And, to say he felt panicked was an understatement.
According to a good amount of evidence, this should not be happening. He should not be falling for Zak. It's not common for you to like someone almost a month into a friendship. And, there were only so many ways this could go wrong.
If his mother somehow found out, she would freak out. It was the entire reason she tried to force them to stop being friends. Plus, there wasn't a good chance Zak liked him as well.
He took a deep breath. It didn't matter. If you do end up liking someone this short into a relationship, then it's usually just a dumb crush. It's not serious. He didn't have to worry.
It wasn't too awfully long before class started. Techno dismissed the thoughts he'd been thinking about a couple seconds ago, hoping to pay attention.
Of course, he didn't get to. It couldn't have been more than two minutes until Zak slid a thin piece of paper to him.
Techno rolled his eyes, taking it and opening the barely legible piece of paper up.

hi techno i dont know what this lesson is even talking about but im sure u do because your smart :)

He sighed. He was aware he was probably above the average student when it came to grades, but to have Zak blatantly tell him he reached some level of intelligence was pretty nice.
Techno wrote a short note on the back of the slip of paper, giving it to Zak.

It's you're*. When are you going to learn?

Zak only snickered at that, which pretty much gave Techno the answer. No. He would never learn.

School ended pretty quickly, and nothing eventful really happened. They both ended up walking home together.
On the way there, Zak glanced at Techno.
"You think we'd get away with working on a project again?"
Techno sighed. It was evident in Zak's voice that he wanted to see if they could go over to another's house again. And, to be honest, he was unsure if his mother would allow that.
"Well, I quote, "I don't want that Zak kid in my house anymore. If you're working on a project with him, go to his house, and never be gone for more than 2 hours." Take that as you will."
Zak wouldn't have been surprised if Techno genuinely remembered what she had said, word for word.
"Then come to my house. My mom says you're welcome here any time."
A smile formed onto Techno's face at that. Well, two things, to be honest. First, the fact that Zak's mom was still extremely kind, and secondly, the fact that Zak seemed to actually want to spend time with him.
"I don't think my own mom would be allowing that any time soon," Techno replied in a joking tone, although the situation at hand wasn't exactly funny.
Zak pouted.
"Hey, lighten up, you casual," Techno put a light hand on his shoulder. "It's not like we're completely forbidden to talk, you know? I can still text you, and we'll see each other at school."
Techno knew he could have been imagining it, but Zak's face seemed to have a tint of pink on it at his touch.
"You're right," Zak said eventually, averting his gaze to the ground.
The two reached their houses soon after that. That was probably a good thing for Zak, as he was shivering the entire time. The weather was cold, and the wind was rather harsh. A thin hoodie wasn't the most suitable for that.
"Well, bye, nerd," Techno waved.
"How many times do I have to tell you? You're the nerd," Zak groaned, though he returned the wave.
They both headed to their own house. And, needless to say, both of them happened to miss the other quickly.

I'd like to be friends//SkepnobladeWhere stories live. Discover now