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Zak entered the buildings of the school, humming quietly. It wasn't like anyone could hear him, the halls were extremely loud. As per usual.
He had been set on searching for Techno, when he soon noticed a piece of paper stuck to a wall. He raised an eyebrow, taking a step closer to it and scanning through the words on the page.
According to the poster, prom would be coming up soon.
Now, normally, Zak would never have been really pleased at this. He used to just go with his friends for the hell of it, but now, an idea struck him.
He bit his lip, glancing back at the paper for a moment before pulling away. Perhaps he could ask Techno.
He didn't know when the right time would be, though, so he just pushed the thought of prom out of his mind for a while, resuming his task on finding Techno in halls of several students.

"Good morning," Techno glanced up from his book as Zak sat down next to him in Math.
"Morning, honey," Zak said in a joking tone, snickering. He'd never been good at taking pet names like that seriously— hell, he was never good at taking anything seriously. He could always find a way to laugh at everything, no matter what it was.
Techno rolled his eyes, putting the bookmark in his book and setting it to the side of his wooden desk.
"Honey is actually really cool. It helps lower blood pressure, and is good for soothing wounds. It also can help reduce coughs in children. Depictions of honey being harvested go way back to 10,000 years ago, so we can assume humans have been using honey for a pretty long time. It's 70-80% sugar, and-" Techno paused, nervously chuckling, "You know what? I'll shut up now."
Zak was quick to shake his head.
"No- wait, go ahead. Class doesn't start for another 5 minutes."
Techno had a surprised look in his eyes, raising an eyebrow.
"I like listening to you. It's cool. It also makes me feel smarter than I actually am."
Techno laughed, a slow smile forming on his face at that.
"Alright. Well, in that case..."
Techno, for the next five or so minutes, proceeded to rant about honey. Zak thoroughly listened, and didn't interrupt him once, except maybe to ask a question about something. You'd be surprised at how intrigued Zak had managed to be about something as normal as honey.
Soon, though, class had started, leaving Techno to stop talking about it and turn to the front to pay attention.
Zak, as usual, didn't do much but annoy Techno. He scratched down notes and slid them to him, muttered jokes, and poked him.
"Can you please try to pay attention?" Techno rolled his eyes.
"No. You're my boyfriend. You signed up for this."
As soon as the word came out, Zak grinned. He liked the sound of it. He liked the feel of the word, and being able to call Techno that.
Techno chuckled softly, any previous annoyance vanishing.
"Yeah. I guess I did."

Lunch came around, and Zak had sat down at the table with his two friends, Darryl and Vincent.
"Hey, Zak," Vincent waved, "Did you hear about prom?"
Zak groaned, tugging at the strings of his hoodie.
"How could I forget? Techno's one of the only students actually paying attention in class— everyone else is talking about it," He paused, proceeding, "Speaking of Techno, I sort of want to ask him to come with me. I don't know if I should, though. We started dating yesterday, so i-"
"Hold on," Vincent interrupted him, blinking, "You two are dating?"
Zak blinked. Oh. He did forget to tell them.
"Oh- yeah," He awkwardly chuckled, noting that Vincent must be ecstatic.
"That's great, Zak!" Darryl smiled, "I'm happy for you guys!"
"Took you long enough," Vincent teased, before changing his demeanor once more, "Seriously, congratulations."
Zak only nodded, a soft smile forming on his face.
"Anyways, about asking him to prom. I'd say you have nothing to lose," Vincent offered.
Zak sighed.
"I guess so. But- I kind of want it to be special. I don't want to just ask him in the middle of Math class, 'Ay, you wanna go to prom?'."
Darryl laughed.
"Muffin, I don't think anyone does that. But I understand wanting it to be special. So- maybe try doing something!"
Zak bit his lip, about to say something more when Techno returned at the table, sliding down in the seat next to Zak.
Darryl glanced up, smiling at Techno as he waved.
"Oh, hey, Techno!"
Vincent merely nodded to greet the other, turning back to his tray.
Techno waved back.
The rest of lunch was smalltalk, with Techno occasionally inputting a random fact to add to the situation and Zak finding a way to joke about it.
Soon, lunch had ended, and everyone said small goodbyes, making their way back to their classes. All the while, Zak was thinking of ways he could ask Techno to go to prom with him. He didn't want to be blunt, but then again, he knew there was zero way he could pull off being extremely romantic. That just wasn't his personality.
Though, as he mentally scanned over his options, his eyes lit up. He had an idea.

School went by quickly, and everyone went to return home. It was pretty peaceful, with the occasional sound of birds chirping. Techno and Zak were walking home together, as per usual, and Zak cleared his throat, glancing up at Techno.
"Hey, Techno?"
Techno turned, tilting his head.
Zak fidgeted for a moment before replying.
"Do you want to go roller skating with me? It could be fun. Like a date! ...Or not. I mean, we can do whatever you want."
God, he sounded like an hesitant, stuttering idiot. Please kill him now.
Techno looked slightly surprised. Coughing, he nodded.
"Yeah- sure, we could go. As a date. If you want. We do have school tomorrow, though, so I'd prefer if we didn't stay out until midnight," He chuckled lightly.
"Oh! Yeah, of course," Zak agreed, "I'm pretty sure it ends at 6:00 anyways. Is 4:30 fine?"
"Yeah, that's okay with me."
The rest of the walk was calm. Well— it was calm in the sense that it was quiet. Zak had a grin on his face, excitement radiating throughout him. And, although Techno's excitement wasn't as evident, you could tell he was still happy.

As soon as Zak walked into the main room of his house, he scrambled into his room. He needed to find something to wear. He wasn't sure if it would be too awkward to wear the same thing he wore to school, so he decided to change nonetheless.
As he went through his closet, his mother poked her head in the doorway of his room.
"You going somewhere?" She asked teasingly, making it clear she knew the answer.
He nodded.
"Yeah! I was going to the skating rink with Techno, if that's alright."
"Oh, that's fine," She smiled, "But- do you even know how to skate?"
Zak paused. That was an issue.
"Um- first time for everything?"
She laughed.
"Fair. Okay, break a leg. Or, maybe try to avoid that. Have fun."
Zak rolled his eyes, though a grin tugged at his face.

Zak soon arrived at the skating building, noticing that Techno was already here. Oh yeah. He could hardly forget that Techno was always on time, no matter the occasion.
To be honest, he was a little shaky. He felt slightly nervous about the fact that he was planning to ask Techno to prom, but then again, he didn't want to spend the entirety of the time worrying about it. So, he tried to just let himself loosen up. Besides, the worst that could happen was that Techno could say no.
Or one of them accidentally broke a limb. But that was besides the point.
Zak approached Techno, waving with a small smile on his face.
Techno glanced up, waving back.
They both entered the skating area, accquiring skates and putting them on.
"Have you ever skated before?" Zak asked, turning to face Techno.
Techno shrugged.
"A couple times when I was little, but I didn't actively try to. You?"
"Never. I'll probably fall," Zak laughed.
"Shut up, you're bad!"
As soon as Zak tried to stand up, he almost lost his balance at that. He clung onto one of the chairs, huffing. He had no idea how he'd make it to the skating rink.
Meanwhile, Techno was comfortably standing beside him, an amused look on his face.
"You look like you're going to collapse."
"Bet," Zak rolled his eyes, managing to move from where he had currently been standing.
The two eventually made it onto the skating area. There were a fair amount of people there, but not a lot. So, if Zak fell, he most likely wouldn't bring anyone else down with him.
Techno, on the other hand, was easily sliding on his skates, despite apparently not doing it a lot.
"I swear, you are good at everything," Zak complained, holding onto the wall in an attempt to not completely fall over.
Techno only laughed.
"Technoblade never di- holy shit, you good?"
Zak had fell, though luckily only on his knees. His balance hadn't been the greatest, resulting in the fall.
"I'm great," He responded, "Best skater in the world."
Techno snorted at that, holding out his hand for Zak to take.
"Get up, nerd. You want to hold onto me?"
"I'll slow you down, you'd fall and die," Zak joked, taking Techno's hand and standing up. Simply standing on roller skates were hard when you didn't have a good amount of practice, though Zak wouldn't deny that it was pretty fun.
"I'm too good to fall," Techno replied evenly, a grin forming on his face, "Now cmon. We'll get run over if we stand still much longer."
Zak sighed, holding firmly onto Techno's hand and beginning to take off.
Surprisingly, it wasn't as difficult as Zak thought it would be. With the occasional stumbling and playful insults from Techno, they both thoroughly had a great time.
Zak bit his lip, figuring that if he was going to ask Techno to prom, he should do it soon. Neither of them were talking, and just sort of skating on the rink, having fun.
Zak didn't know how long he hesitated and thought about how to begin. However, soon, he took a deep breath and swallowed.
"Hey, Techno?"
Techno paused, still halfway focused on staying balanced on the skates.
Zak lightly held Techno's hand a little tighter.
"Would you like to go to prom with me?"

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