Chapter 1 Death and Rebirth

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Chapter 1 Death and Rebirth.~~~
I still remember the last moments of my life. That day started like any other day. I was a 20 yrs old college student. I was 178 cm tall brown eyes, dark hair and a normal face . I can't say i was a weak student but i couldn't call myself a genius even if others did.
I was a normal college student studying programing and history. Even if i wasn't a complete genius at those 2 (history and programing) i was the first in the class and praised by teachers but for me that knowledge seemed insuficient and i alwais tought that i wasn't good enough at them. I wanted to become a game programmer(the reason for wich i was studying programing so hard) and I loved history even if i knew it was useless in the everyday life i just loved history. To read about all those great battles and deeds that were done by normal people and not by heroes,monsters or any type of supernatural . I didn't hate LN or webnovels or any type of fictions i actually like them a lot but nothing compares to real history.
On that day after 2 horrrible( unannounced) tests and 7 hours of hell i finally left the school and i was heading back home. On the way back I sawght my only friend Anastasia been raped by a gang of thugs.There were 3 of them.Blood imediatly rushed to my head and I started to charge at them*how dare you b*****s!!!!*(MC). In the next moment i grabbed the closest one to me and slammed his head to a wall.He must've lost consciousness as my blow wasn't so strong to crack the skull but i didn't care. The same happened to the second one but this time i slammed his head on the concreete , but as i was rushing at the last 1 he noticed me pulled a gun and shot me in the head just before i reached him.Unfortunatly i didn't die instantly but i couldn't move .I fell on the ground with my eyes facing Anastasia wich was killed and they were raping her corpse..The last guy was smilling as if he was a kid that found a new toy
*Disgusting*-- I told to myself right before i closed my eyes and i felt a warm embrace like never before.(MC)
*Is this death* --i told to myself with the last shreds of my counsciousness fading away, (MC)
I felt a warm embrace like never before that tried to make me forget all my sad moments even my life.
* Nooo!!! I can't ,I won't ,I will never forget.I owe Anastasia that much atleast* (MC)
After what seemed like days of trying to not forget my dear memories i heard a voice. * Oh another mortal that rejects my bigger sisters,Daeth, warm embrace* (Goddess)
* Don't you mean the embrace of Death? * i replyed trying to be as courteus as I could.
*Mortals alwais call my sister wierd names like Death, Moartea, etc but her name is Daeth and she is the kindest person you'll ever meet. My name is Teselecta by the way, I'm the goddess of Reincarnation* ( Goddess Teselecta) - she said with a thone of indifference,
* Every few hundreds of years someone rejects me and my sisters warm embrace wich we both offer the mortals that had an horrible death to give them a chance to start a new life without remembering their old 1, and this time it is you* (Goddess Teselecta)
*I didn't want to reject you sisters embrace in fact it was almsot as if I was embraced by pure kindness but i can't forget my memories and I won't forget them, I owe 'her' that much atleast* (MC)
* It can't be helped.* Said a more dignified and kind voice . ( Daeth)
*We'll have to send him in his new world with all his memories.And don't worry young one your friend has already been reincarnated but in a different world than the one you'll end up in. I'm sorry* (Daeth)
* I hope she lives a happy life there .* ( MC)
* hope so too.Even if I give you and her another chance i don't know how your lives will end up.* (Daeth)
*Now is time for you to be reborn.I wish you a happy new life and I'm sorry once again*-Said the 2 godesses at once.i couldn't even see how they looked but i doubt it would matter to me (Daeth+Teselecta)
As i was been reborn i closed my eyes and fell in a deep sleep.When i waked up i sawght 3 persons the first that was holding me it is my mother I think. She has red eyes a beautifull dark hair and a white skin, a bit brighter than the colour of the skin i had in my old life and seemed extremly tired I think she is 170 cm tall. She is holding another baby and it is a girl while i am a boy~~twins ha?~~~. The second 1 is a big guy he is 2m tall has ...horns... a brown hair and dark eyes and anyone that would see him would say he is scary but for me he didn't seem scary at all.The face he showed us was a kind and smiling face that was contrasting with his bulky body. The last person was my sister. She had the same skin as me and my mother but the horns of my father.Both of them looked really happy and exhausted bolth phisically and mentally. i wonder how my life will turn up...
End of the first chapter what do you guys think? i might post a new chapter today if I get 2 positive reviews. *muaahahahahahahaha*

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