Chapter 2.9: Explications:End of arc

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This chapter is the end of this  arc. I'll also explain the 3 systems that work in this world. Magic power system, Battle rating, Magic proeficiency. So far I've only present you the Magic proeficiency system but i didn't quite explain it very well.

 ~~~Magic Power system (with stats help ofc)

-Lv 1 Elementar: Has the ability to pour mana in to objects and summon light  mana 0-100,0 atack power

Lv 2 Elementar-Intermediate: The ability to pour mana into object and/or give it a purpose. like a warm fire or bright light. Also increased magical capacity 100-500 ,damage 1-50

Lv 3 Intermediate. In here each magic  takes different routes and is similar to the magic we all are familiar. Atack magic/defence magic or suport. but these are weak :The basic spells like mana bullet fire  bullet, partial strenghtening (5-10% upgrade), limited control  over basic elements,low level  healing,mana barrier. and 0 AOE and they are mostly non lethal spells or can block non lethal atacks. mana  500-800 ,atack power for atack spells 50-100 ( a normal person has 300-800 life)

Lv 4 Intemediate-Advanced same as intermediate but they are stronger and can be considered lethal mana 800-2000  atack power for magic 100-600 

Lv 5Advanced here appear AOE magic (but they are short ranged and are weaker  than 1 target ones) , they have stronger version for the Intermediate advanced magic and require more mana 2000-8000 atack power 600-1000

Lv 6 Sage: more spells avaible like teleportation for short distances ( -10 m), summoning of weak familiars ( MC can't summon familiars yet, in fact summoners are very rare), tamers, mind reading,telekinesis,magical crafting,ilussion magic, regenerating lost limbs, multiple barriers for defense ,full body strenghtening. mana 8000-20000 ,atack power for atack  magic 1000-2000 per target

 Lv 7 Great Sage Stronger version of sage but unlike sages that can't use all of the  small branches they can use them as much as they want 20000-30000 mana and 2000-3000 atack power for magic.

Lv 8 Ruler/King (might change it in the future). Can resurect deads that died a few second ago like they were brand new+ larger AOE than great sage( maximum Aoe radius 100 m) mana 30000-50000 atack power  3000-6000

 Lv 9 God can do anything they want and kill anything reason for wich they are worshiped mostly choose a magic they speicialize for pleasure, also immortals (weak gods can be defeated by greath sages in 3 vs 1) atack power 6000+ mana 50000+


~~~Magic proeficiency

 3 levels offcourse

lv1 Magic circle +chant  -anyone that has seen and used the magic that wants to used

lv2 Chant  - someone familiar with  the respective magic that has used it multiple times

lv3 Chantless - someone that understand  how the magic works,operates and how to set  the different parameters necesary for it to work the way the caster wants.

Battle Power/Rating this is a new system that is going to be presented during the school arc and in the heroes second  story. there are 6 levels

 Lv 1 Elementar ( worms) they are practicly very weak.most human farmers are this level.

Lv 2 Disciple(bigger worms with teeth) Person that can deal with minor treaths like goblins and other low level monsters-  human low ranking guards are trained atleast that much.

Lv3 Warrior.( cats/dogs) All demons are atleast this level once they are adults while a knight requires  years of training. Can defeat large groups of low level demons and some medium ranked  monsters (orcs- small wiverns) Adventurers are also required to be this rank atleast (Sabrina's current rank)

Lv 4 Great warriors(predators)-Capable of handling low-medium level demons with ease and in groups can defeat bigger monsters(wild dragons/wiverns/orcish hordes) and are usually at the top of an army (MC's current rank)

Lv 5Master(monster rank) each master is atleast worth 10 Greath warriors and can easily crush armies of warriors or lower as long as they aren't lead by a greath warrior ( Sabrath's and Aria rank)

Lv 6Great  Master(God of the battlefield): They have mastered  atleast 2 battle styles(magic/meele/ranged)Fighting large  armies is nothing and some say they are complete monsters.(MC is not this rank yet)

 And for the last ones there are titles and a stats system that can only be seen  by heroes,gods and chosen ones(people that defeat a hero or a god - demigods). 

 Positive titles that can be upgrade -Good man/women ,helper,saint,Angel AKAGD(As kind as goddes of death)- this relies on the positive actions that a person thinks or makes (killing is unrelated)

 Negative ones Bad man/woman-scum-villain-great villain-enemy of life ( you can't have a positive and a negative title)

 and there are the ones related to killing .Killer-Addicted killer-Mass murderer-Terminator-Exterminator (Killing 500k people with no remorse)-these require killing  without remorse.

and the ones related to healing and saving lives. Novice Healer-Doctor-Great doctor-Life saver-Healing Saint(this been the gratest it requires resurecting 100 people,saving 5000 almost dead people and healing  500k wounds )- all the healing must be done without expecting anything in return and to be done with kindness

And lastly stats


MP-mana points required for magic

SP- stamina for exercises and physical tasks

 Power-physical power

Intelect-inteligence- magic power

Defence-Resistance to atacks be it phisicial or magical.

Well this is it for the explications regarding the game-like sistem in this world

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