Chapter 4.5: The dark side of humans:Revenge

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Yes yes this is the second hero story and don't worry this arc is longer then the first and it won't end untill the next hero story...Also this story is now on wattpad for the readers .I wish i could do some ilustrations for you guys but i have no talent for it sorry :( .These kinds of chapters will be written from the perspective of the class ...sacrifice.. president Adriana
18+ content bellow .
A year and a half had passed since we were summoned here by these absurd people, no by these absurd men.In the first day when we were summoned I sawght the real nature of men. They are all worthless scums driven by lust and greed and I experienced it first hand from a group of guards that said they were going to" reeducate" me.Yeah they did reeducate me... to never see a man as a decent human being again.
Anyway from the 30 of us we formed 6 groups of 5 each to train and explore the new world Each group was acompanied by a knight and luckily our knight was a female and a pretty one to top of that. Her name was Sarah Windwalker and she was one of the most beautifull woman alive. She had a mesmerizing black hair, a well proportioned body ,fiery red lips that seemed to burn stronger than the wildest fire ,blue eyes at wich you could stare for an eternity and a good personality.(yes she is a misandrist lesbian aka feminazi) 
* Ok girls gather up I have an announcement to make*-yes her group is entirely of girls(Sarah)
* We're here!*(girls) Even if she was a knight of this world she was a kind person that would alwais help us and train with us and all of us liked her and our group relied on her for moral support .
*Tomorrow we'll go on a mission*(Sarah)
*A mission*(girl1)
*Tomorrow? That's too soon(girls 2-4)
* What will our mission be?*(Adriana) I knew this was an order from the top and we couldn't do anything with the complains so we needed to prepare ourselves.
All of the girls except Sarah seemed surprised of my question but those girls didn't knew what i had to go trough to "the reeducations" wich i suffered multiple times because i kept trying to convince the king to send us home, only Sarah had a vague idea and seemed to understand.I begun to fall for her even more now ~~<3.
*We'll go and hunt for goblins and orcs wich had been appearing in and near the forest and atacked tresspasers.*
*Ok* we all noded and started preparing.
*The goblins weren't anything special as they were half our size and had bats and broken swords as weapons so we maked quick work of them but the orcs were another story They had a magician that could use intermediate and intermediate-advanced magic and managed to wound me and another girl while 2 others were slightly injured in the brawl with the other 20 orcs wich were 3 times our weight and had clubs and bastard swords that weighted as much as a normal girl. But none died and and thanks to Sarah's that could use healing magic we looked brand new as if nothing happened. The next few days after another 3 missions wich involved monster killing our groups representatives had an audience with the king.
*I'm glad to see you all healthy and that you are progressing quite well*(King)
*Cut to the crap and tell us why you summoned here again*(Adriana)He looked iritated but continued with the story after making a sign to the guards to take me after the conversation was over.
*In 2 years we will organize a great offensive against the demon army. The starting point will be The Blood fortress the home of the Dark Blood and Crescent night demon batalions*(King)
*And why are you telling us that?* My fate for tonight was already sealed so i wanted to piss him off as long and as much as I could while the rest of those shitty classmates just stay and listen to this trash.
A bit irritated once again he responded *I'm telling you this because you will be participating in the offensive*
*Yeah ,damn right who do you...* (Adriana)
* We accept* The vice president of the class said that with an almost mighty thone.Back when we were on Earth he was someone wich i didn't particularry respect but I trusted him due to us working side by side but now he is nothing but trash in my eyes.
*Not like i needed your consent. You would've done it even if you wanted or not but a possitive attitude is always welcomed* (King) He said that while showing a faint smile .
"He is a real trash isn't he?" I murmured to myself. After that the audience with the king finished and when all the other groups left the guards took me to another reeducation session but this time that shitty vicepresident participated too.
*You really are a stupid and a slut president* He said while showing a smile full of lust while i was chained on a table.
*Well atleast I remained true to my principles but this is something wich you definetly forgot* (Adriana)
* What is wrong with forgetting your principles* Surprisingly it wasn't that shit who spoke but.. Sarah.
*What are you doing here?!* I said with a surprised voice at Sarah who looked like she went trough hell.
*The results of you talking back to the king and not just me but the rest of the group had the same treatment. In order for us to be forgiven i have to do this and is also revenge for this.I'm not sorry*(Sarah) She said and begun wipping me while crying and laughing and then the manly treatment came. That night I cursed till i lost my conscience and I sweared that I will get revenge even after death even if it meant helping the demons and killing every human I could see.
Well this is it yeah a spookie chapter and ik it's a bit 18+ but this if you look at the tags this is also a mature novel :)

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