Chapter 2: The Call

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The Call


Zhang Qi Ling sat at a large ebony desk littered with papers and scattered writing utensils. In front of him was a gray monitor with a small keyboard connected to the monitor by a single cord. His office was a large cube-shaped, silver room. Three large windows sat behind his desk taking up the entire back wall. There were two gray sitting chairs in front of his desk. The middle of the room having a large leather, black couch on the right wall and two black, leather chairs on the opposite walls. A glass coffee table in between the couch and chairs. The opposite wall, to the desk, holding two wooden doors to enter the office.

He was currently staring at a file, feeling dead inside. They said that they need his signature, as soon as possible. But it's been an hour since they said it, and still he didn't even bothered to read it. In fact, he didn't even want to be here, sitting at a large desk, and doing paper works. What he really wanted to do is to walk in a large space, preferably a mountain, or in a tomb, anything but here.

When it comes to money, Hei Xia Zi was easily swayed. That traitor gave Zhang Ri Shan his location. He was spotted doing his daily exercise at the balcony, and the exit area was block by that traitor. Actually he can easily slip out of this predicament but he didn't want to hurt anyone, so he just goes along with them. And now, here he is, doing mundane things.

He was surprise to hear his cellphone rings. No one knows his phone number except—Zhang Ri Shan and Hei Xia Zi.

Zhang Qi Ling finally pulled his cellphone from the top drawer of his desk, shooting an unsettling dead stare at the device. Then he picked up his phone, with out saying any words.

"..." Zhang Qi Ling waits for the other person to talk.

"Hello? Is this Zhang Qi Ling's number?" the other person said.

"Who are you?"

"Ah, its Xie Yu Chen. Wu Xie is heading out with his university schoolmates and I know you already heard that his—a trouble magnet. But I need you to watch over him." Xie Yu Chen said.

"I'm on my way." Zhang Qi Ling said hanging up the phone. Although it wasn't noticeable in his face, but he was happy— other would just see his usual pokerface though. And because he was so relieved and eager to go back in the land of the living again, he forgot to says his goodbye to Xie Yu Chen.

There's another day for that, he thought.

However, there was also a problem— he forgot to ask about the location of the meeting place.

This thing should be blame on him.

This thing should be blame on him

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To be continue...

Author's Note: Apologies for the delay and short chapter. I'll make up for it in the next chap! Thank u!

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