Chapter 5

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A/N At the end please :) Read it after please :) 

Chapter 5

It was finally the weekend and I know for a fact that I’m about to spend it doing absolutely nothing. But I’m not complaining either because this means that I’d get to have a break from Adam who got me in trouble yesterday. But then again he also did get me to try one of the best snacks I’ve ever tasted my whole life. A snack that I doubt I’d ever get to consume again because of my strict diet to keep healthy. I’m not one of those miracle people who won’t gain any weight regardless of the things they were eating.

Speaking of food, I haven’t had breakfast yet. I’m currently lying on my bed with the sheets messily spread out. I know my hair is an absolute mess and I won’t be expecting food to magically appear in front of me. So I push up, swinging my legs over to the side of the bed. Grabbing a hair tie, I tie my hair up into what one of my stylists would call a ‘messy bun’. I sluggishly walked towards the bathroom to wash my face, cringing at the sight in front of me. I grab my glasses from the counter before I exit the bathroom. My eyesight could’ve been perfect if it wasn’t for all the hours I spent reading in the dark. I sometimes wear my glasses but some days, I just couldn’t be bothered and it’s not like my eye sight is actually that bad. Besides, I was always taught that not having glasses on is prettier.

Tucking in a few fly away strands, I reach for a shirt that came up to my knees to cover up my laced shorts that I often use to sleep and my black tank top that always went with it. It’s not like I cared enough for the people here to see what I look like in the morning. I basically look like this every morning and they won’t dare say anything.

I grab the book that I was supposed to write a report about before I walked out the door. As usual it was quiet in the hallway.  The only sounds being emitted where the faint sounds of the pans and pots in the kitchen.  

Walking around with bare feet is weird but I just couldn’t be bothered to come back to my room to find and get my slippers. As you can see, I’m not a morning person.  

I find myself grumbling a “good morning” before placing myself ever so ‘lady like’ on the seat. I began on reading the book from the place I finished from before up until my morning tea is ready. I thought it was Mrs. Pots who placed the brewing cup of tea beside me but I was wrong. I was very wrong.

“Good morning Annabelle!” Adam chirped. I let out a little shriek, jumping from my seat. “Why are you here?!” He pouts while taking a sit on the chair on my left hand side. “Okay, no good morning I guess.” He sighs dramatically. I roll my eyes, groaning in frustration. “Good morning, Adam. Happy? Now answer my question.” I take a sip the hot water not bothering me as much as I thought it would.

“Well I was bored and the doctor said that I should go home or do something so my mom could rest but there’s nothing to do at home so here I am!” He offers me his most charming grin while I presented him the opposite. “Why couldn’t you just bother someone else today?” I sigh. I see Luis opening the door for Mrs. Pots who’s holding two plates full of breakfast food.

“I hope you don’t mind Ms. Annabelle but Adam would be joining you for breakfast today.” Mrs. Pots seems extra happy as she places the plates in front of us. “Didn’t I tell you guys that I’m fine? I had coffee this morning.” Adam offers a kind smile, trying to give the plate back while I was currently stabbing the small sausage which kept on slipping past by my fork.

“You’ll end up sick if you continue not having a balanced diet.” Mrs. Pots scolds Adam. “Fine, don’t worry I won’t.”

When the sausage is finally captured between the teeth of my fork, I sigh in relief muttering “Silly, silly sausage.” before eating it.

Beauty, Roses and Attitude (The First Book of The Reversed Roles Series)Where stories live. Discover now