Chapter 4 ~ Not In The Mood

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I was gonna upload last night but I fell asleep before I finished the chapter. I have severe insomnia so I didn't think that would happen.


James didn't know how he made it through the week. If this kept up he would fail the year. But he couldn't help it. His mind would just travel to Severus whenever he spaced out.

It was Saturday and everyone was outside, doing one thing or another. He was walking to meet Sirius outside.

When he got there he saw Sirius levitating Severus' book above his head, making Severus jump for it. James frowned instead of laughed.

"Hey James!" Sirius yelled. James walked over to the two. Severus had stopped jumping, just watching James.

"Hey Sirius, do you want to fly around the quidditch field?" James asked.

"Don't you want to mess with Snivellus?" Sirius asked.

"Not in the mood. I want to fly, race you to the quidditch field!" James said. He didn't want to mess with Severus and he didn't want his friends to either.

"Fine." Sirius said. He stopped levitating Snape's book and it fell onto Severus' head. "I'll beat you there!" He said and ran off.

James gave Severus an apologetic smile and a small wave and raced off after his best friend.

Sirius made it to the broom shed first and took out his broom. James was only a few seconds behind. They took their brooms and started flying around the quidditch field, laughing.

Sirius flew to James's side. He jokingly flew closer so it seemed like he was going to push him off his broom but he stopped and backed up a bit.

"Jerk." James chuckled.

"Why did you want to fly?" Sirius asked.

"Practice for the quidditch season." James said aloud. And I didn't want you messing with Severus. He added in his head.

"Quidditch practice starts Thursday." Sirius pointed out.

"Exactly why I need to start now." James said. "Wanna see who can catch the snitch first?" James asked as he took a snitch out of his pocket. Sirius nodded and James released the snitch and they took off.


Severus stood there a little confused as he watched James chase after Sirius. Why had James stopped him from messing with him? And what was with the little smile and wave that he gave? And why did it make his stomach have butterflies?

He leaned down and grabbed his book and then he started to walk away. He was supposed to meet Lily over by the black lake but he found his feet taking him over towards the quidditch stands.

He walked up the stairs to the Slytherin stands and sat down. He opened his book and started reading but he kept looking up to watch the two boys flying on brooms.

Well, actually only one of the two boys. James. He couldn't help it. As he sat there admiring James, he didn't notice someone sit beside him.

"Hey Sev." Lily said, breaking Severus' concentration on the flying boy. "I thought we were going to meet by the black lake?" She asked.

"Yeah, but I just felt like sitting here instead." Severus answered, looking down. Lily watched him silently for a second.

"Are you okay?" She asked. Sev looked at her.

"Yeah, why do you ask?" Severus said.

"I don't know. You are always spacing out, like your attention is somewhere else." She explained.

Falling for the Enemy (James Potter x  Severus Snape)Where stories live. Discover now