Chapter 5 ~ Talking

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It was lunchtime in the Great Hall. James was talking to his friends but his mind was running in circles. He couldn't decide if he was happy or nervous about his new potions partner.

Maybe he can actually talk to Severus. It could be the first step to at least being friends. And maybe friends could lead to something more. Wait- don't think like that. Just be happy with the idea of being friends. James thought.

Okay, first, he needed to apologize. Next Potions class, he would. Hopefully Severus could forgive him. Although, he'd be totally justified to hate him for the rest of his life and just act like he doesn't exist.

James started thinking of exactly what he would say. He spaced out and stopped talking as he thought. He didn't realize that lunch ended until Sirius pushed him off the bench.

"Hey!" James said.

"You keep spacing out!" Sirius said. "Come on, gotta get to next class!" He said and ran ahead to his boyfriend. James started walking to his next class. Someone started walking beside him. He looked over and saw Lily.

"Hey Lil." He greeted her.

"Hey James!" She said. "So, you got seated next to Sev in Potions. Are you cool with that?" She said. She smiled as she watched James blush. She was totally shipping them, she just had to get them together.

"Yeah." Was all James said. He tried to say more but he couldn't. He was wildly blushing, his face was dark red. She chuckled. They walked into the transfiguration classroom.

It's safe to assume that he learned nothing that class. Merlin, he really needed to get his head in check.

James was so excited for dinner. Not because he was hungry, well, he was, but that's not the point. He just wanted to be able to stare at Severus from across the Great Hall.

Oh, shit. James thought. Is that creepy?

Despite that, he still ran ahead to the Great Hall, wanting to be there before Severus to see him walk in. When he got there and sat down, he was surprised to see Snape already there.

He didn't think about it too much, and just stared at Snape for awhile. He was snapped out of it when his friends sat down. He started putting food on his plate.

"Wow, how hungry are you? You ran fast." Remus noted.

"Yeah, I just am really hungry." James said. He started to eat but was pretty soon just staring at Severus again. He had a problem but refused to recognize it. He mindlessly ate, his friends ignoring his silence, not really caring that he spaced out yet again, it was just normal at this point.

When dinner was over, Remus, Sirius, and Peter decided to go back to the common room to hang out but James decided to take a walk instead, to clear his head. He parted from his friends and walked out of the castle. He wandered around as the sun started going down. He ended up walking along the shore of the lake, just staring at nothing. He saw bushes blocking his way and almost turned around until he saw the hole and decided to explore.

He stopped short as he saw someone else sitting behind the bushes. Black eyes focused on hazel as they both stopped moving. James started to turn around but stopped when he heard Severus' voice. 


"No, you can come sit." Severus offered. "I don't mind. I'd like the company." Sev couldn't believe he just said that to JAMES FRICKEN POTTER. James sat down next to the black haired boy, but not too close. Severus kind of wanted to reach over and grab James' hand which was currently behind his back, holding him up as he sat. It was silent for a bit before James spoke up.

Falling for the Enemy (James Potter x  Severus Snape)Where stories live. Discover now