Chapter 2 ~ First Day of Fifth Year

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What is the ship name between these two? Is it Jeverus? Why isn't this ship more popular? Help?


Morning of the first day of school

James' eyes fluttered awake as the sun came in through the window. He got up slowly and saw that Remus was already up. Remus was sitting cross legged on his bed, reading a book. Peter must've been in the bathroom as his bed was empty. 

Sirius was still asleep. He didn't seem to be waking up anytime soon. Peter came back from the bathroom. James quickly got dressed and then turned to Remus.

"Did you try to wake Sirius up?" he asked. Remus looked up from his book.

"Yeah, I tried everything." Remus replied. James looked at his sleeping best friend.

"Did you try hitting him with a pillow?" Remus shook his head. James picked up his pillow and walked over to Sirius' bed. He then smacked him with the pillow. 

"Wake up! We actually wanna go the Great Hall for breakfast!" Sirius only moved a bit so James hit him again. "Get up lazy bitch!" James heard Remus chuckle.

He hit Sirius with the pillow again and Sirius grabbed it. He took it out of James' hands and threw it at him.

"Fine. I'm up. I'm up!" Sirius said. James laughed and put his pillow back.

"That's how you do it." He told Remus. James sat down on his bed as they waited for Sirius to get ready. As he sat he let his thoughts wander. Which turned out to be a bad idea as they got stuck on Severus. 

Mostly how he's changed from 4th year to 5th. Granted, its not a lot of change, but his hair got longer, his skin less pale, and he looked taller. He felt a smile make its way, without permission, to his face.

"Hey!" He heard cut through his thoughts. He looked up to see Sirius. "I'm ready. We're gonna head to the Great Hall." James nodded and stood up. They walked out of the room. "What's got you so spaced out?" Sirius inquired.

"What?! I-I mean, uh, nothing. J-just thinking about 5th year." James stuttered out.

"It's weird to be in 5th year. I feel like we were just in first year yesterday." Peter said. 

"Damn." Sirius said. They all sat down at the Gryffindor table. As Remus started talking, James let his eyes rake over the Slytherin table. Not that he was looking for anyone in particular. 

No... one... at... all... Found him! 

James looked at Severus, sitting in the middle of the Slytherin table. He wasn't eating, he was just sitting with a book out. Occasionally he looked up and talked to a boy, who James recognized as Regulus Black, Sirius' brother. He saw Severus laugh a little at something Regulus said. James smiled at how cute it was.

Sirius didn't really like his brother and right now James hated him, really hated him. He just was unclear as to why. He stared at the Slytherin table for a bit before Remus' voice brought him back.

"What?" James asked.

"Stop spacing out!" Sirius exclaimed. Remus lightly hit Sirius on the shoulder.

"I asked if you're ready for classes." Remus said. James shook his head. 

"Not really. I'm excited, I guess but ready, I don't know about." James said.

"You probably know everything they're gonna teach us this year already, nerd." Sirius said and nudged his shoulder a bit.

"Shut up." Remus said but he was smiling. "What class are you excited for the most?" James thought for a bit.

"Potions." James eventually said. Remus looked at his friend.

"Really? I would've thought Defense Against the Dark Arts." Remus said. It was James' favorite class last year. James stayed silent and started eating. Yes, DADA was his favorite class, but he was looking forward to Potions because they always shared it with the Slytherins and James was looking forward to seeing how excited Snape got in Potions. It was some of the only times James got to see that smile.

Remus shrugged and went into conversation with Sirius. James just ate his breakfast until everyone started heading out for their first class. First class for them was DADA. James smiled as he and his friends walked there. He had this class with the Ravenclaws. No chance of seeing Snape there.

Suddenly he bumped into someone. 

"Hey!" He said, angrily at whoever bumped into him. Then he saw Severus on the floor where he fell. "I mean- hey." He offered his hand to Severus to help him up, which Severus looked at warily. He finally took it and James lifted him up. 

James held on to his hand a couple more seconds than he needed to. He let go and started walking away before he paused. Was Severus blushing? He looked back but Snape was already gone. James hurried to catch up with his friends. 

"Sorry for leaving you." Peter said.

"Who did you bump into?" Remus asked.

"Snape." James answered.

"So what happened." Sirius asked.

"Nothing." James said and entered the classroom.

As they walked in they sat down at desks all next to each other. The professor started talking about all the things they were going to learn this year. Sirius, James, Peter and Remus each took out a piece of parchment. 

It was charmed so that when one marauder wrote on it, it would show up on the other pieces. That way they wouldn't be caught passing notes. It was also charmed to not show the writing to anyone other than the four of them. Instead it would look like they were taking notes. Kind of like the Marauder's Map. 

(James : Sirius : Remus : Peter)

So what pranks are we planning this year?


Of course.

Let's not get in trouble just yet.

Awww. Be fun, Rem.

I'm plenty fun, Siri ;)

Yuck. Do that on your own time.

You're just jealous. 

You're an idiot.


They continued on like that until everyone started filing out of the classroom. As they walked to the potions classroom, James fell silent. They had Potions with the Slytherins, which meant he would see his least favorite person. Or maybe he wasn't James' least favorite person anymore. 

The marauders sat down next to each other while they waited for Professor Slughorn. James' attention turned to the door as some Slytherins entered the classroom, including Severus Snape. 

Severus walked to a seat, feeling eyes on him. He didn't care though, so he didn't look up. After a bit though, the staring hadn't stopped. He looked up to see James looking at him and quickly looked down, blushing. 

James briefly met Severus' eyes and marveled at how pretty they were. He would even say beautiful, even though they were black. They fit him so well. James smiled and then paused.

Oh shit... I like him.


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Stories that I'm working on

For Me (Natepat)

Marvel Oneshots
Lovesick (Prinxiety)

Falling for the Enemy (James Potter x  Severus Snape)Where stories live. Discover now