Chapter 3 ~ Lost in Feelings

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Heyo! This chapter is dedicated to @ArizonaSnape because they were really excited for the next chapter. I meant to post this earlier but my procrastination skills acted up. Don't blame me, blame Animal Crossing! But it's finally here! I hope you like it. TO THE STORY!! 

James spent the rest of potions staring at the desk. He couldn't like Severus, he just couldn't. He spent 4 years bullying him. He called him names. He played tricks on him. He ... hurt him. Physically and mentally. 

But his smile, his rare laugh, his beautiful eyes. Damn it. He loved him. Severus would never love him back. He'd done too many bad things to him. Severus would always hate him. It would always be one-sided. 

James felt someone pushing his shoulder. He looked up to see an empty room except for Remus, Peter and Sirius. They were looking at him weird. He smiled slightly.

"Okay, come on. What's got you so spaced out?"  Sirius asked.

"Nothing. I swear." James answered.

"You were completely out of it the entire class. Did you hear any of it?" Remus said. 

"I'm just tired." James said. His friends just shook their heads and let it go. They started to walk to transfiguration. 

James stayed quiet the entire walk, his friends looking at him in worry. James was usually outgoing. His friends were all wondering what the hell was wrong. 

Severus sat in herbology, only half listening to the professor. He was a little bit distracted, thinking of James Potter. After he had caught his eye, he noticed how James had seemed stuck the rest of the class. He had just been staring at his desk for the rest of the class. When Severus had left the classroom, Sirius and Peter and Remus were still trying to get James' attention. 

All that was making him wonder what was up with him. Severus has spent a lot of the last 4 years of his life watching James. He's never been known to space out for THAT long. He was looking at Severus, maybe he was thinking of ways to torment him this year.

But as Severus watched him, James just looked lost. And while Severus thought it was cute, he hated it. He really had to stop thinking about it.

Turns out, neither James nor Severus paid enough attention to their class. 

After class James walked with his friends into the Great Hall for lunch. As he sat, he looked to the Slytherin table to see Severus already sitting there. He wasn't eating, he was reading a book, ignoring everyone else at his table.

James looked over at his friends. Peter was silently eating. Sirius and Remus were talking. James started eating but he was paying more attention to Severus. And he couldn't bring himself to care.

Severus looked up and made eye contact, James quickly looked away, his cheeks burning. When he looked back up, Severus was looking away, but was he blushing too? James found himself staring at him again. To James, he looked so beautiful.

I'm so screwed, and not the fun way. James thought. (A/N~ I thought that and it made me laugh so I put it in.)

James loudly slammed his head on the table. His friends, and several other people looked at him. Sirius patted his head, very confused at James' weird behavior today. James swatted his hand away.

"I'm fine." James said, looking at his best friend.

"No, no you aren't, but I won't ask, because I know you won't tell me." Sirius said. James smiled, grateful that he didn't have to share. He was too afraid that his friends would hate him. He looked back over at Severus who was watching him, having heard him slamming his head on the table. James blushed, but didn't look away this time.

Severus didn't look away either and they ended up staring at each other for 5 minutes before they both looked away. James definitely couldn't deny it, he had a crush on Severus. 

Across the room, Severus was having similar thoughts. Even though he couldn't see them anymore, he couldn't get James' eyes out of his head. He couldn't stop thinking of James.

Bloody hell. I have a crush on James. Severus thought. He was confused. How could he have a crush on his bully? Actually, it wasn't so unbelievable. James was cute. And sure, he was mean to Severus but he has seen how he acts with his friends, and he wished he could be one of them.

The rest of the day both boys were lost in thought.

As James and his friends walked into their room, James went to his bed, and flopped down face first. Remus, Sirius and Peter just ignored him, getting ready for bed. James fell asleep pretty quickly.

James dreamt of Severus and it made him feel happy. He loved that feeling. When he woke up, he felt happy and confused. He could barely believe that SEVERUS was the one to make him feel that way. He just laid in bed while his friends got ready. 

"Get up." Sirius said, and hit him with a pillow like James did to him yesterday.

"I'm up!" James complained. He got up and got ready, kind of dreading seeing Severus today. But also he couldn't wait to see him. He managed to get into a conversation with his friends as they walked to the Great Hall. He just hoped his friends didn't talk about his behavior yesterday.

As they sat down, his eyes looked to the Slytherin table. Severus was just sitting down. He started eating as he watched Severus. Snape had started eating, his eyes never leaving his plate.

Severus was in thought. He was thinking of his dream last night. Of course James Potter had made his way into his dreams. He should hate it but he loved it. He just wished his dream could become reality. He could feel eyes on him and looked up.

His eyes met James'. They both looked away, blushing. They had no idea that they were thinking the same thing.

I love him.


So, @ArizonaSnape, did I make you proud?

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Falling for the Enemy (James Potter x  Severus Snape)Where stories live. Discover now