Chapter 1 ~ Going back to Hogwarts

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James laid on his back on his bed and sighed. He was supposed to go back to Hogwarts for 5th year tomorrow. He was excited, don't get him wrong, but he was confused about why he was so excited. Yes, he was excited to see his friends, Remus, Sirius, Peter. He was excited to see Lily. But there was one more person that he was excited to see the most, one person he thought he shouldn't be so excited to see...

Severus Snape.

In the past four years of school, he and his friends had bullied Severus, but recently he had begun to feel bad about it. And he hated it. It confused him to no end. But he wasn't looking forward to bullying him.

No, he was just excited to see him. It was scary. Because if there was one person he couldn't like, it was Severus.

Jame sighed again and got up when he heard his mom calling for dinner. He went downstairs and sat down at the table where his parents were already sitting.

"So are you excited to go back to Hogwarts tomorrow?" His dad asked. 

"Yeah, I am. 5th year. I'm already in 5th year, wow." He said.

"Anyone in particular you're excited to see?" His mom asked. James blushed and looked at his plate. 

"No. Not really. I mean, I'm excited to see my friends. But no one in particular. I mean it's not like I'm interested in anyone. Just happy that I get to see my friends, you know?" James rambled on. His parents smiled at the incessant rambling, and the defensive nature of his words. It was obvious to them that someone had definitely sparked their son's interest.

James fell quiet as he ate. He shouldn't be so excited to see the one person that he bullied for the past four years. And despite the fact that it didn't seem like it would change this year, he had unreasonable hope that maybe Severus wouldn't hate him so much this year.

At Snape's place.

Severus looked around his room as he thought about going back to Hogwarts tomorrow. He was excited and nervous at the same time. He was happy to go back. It was like a second home to him. He looked forward to classes and seeing Lily, who he hadn't seen much over the summer. 

One thing he didn't look forward to were the bullies. Yet for some reason he felt like he wanted to see one bully. But he shouldn't, because that person was James Potter.

He went downstairs as he saw his mom putting dinner on the table. She smiled at her son and gestured at his seat. Severus sat down at his seat. His dad was already seated. Eileen looked at her son.

"So, you go back to Hogwarts for 5th year tomorrow. Are you excited?" She asked.

"Ummm. Yeah. I am." Severus said.

"I don't see why he doesn't go to a normal school." Tobias grumbled. 

"Because he has special talents that he needs to expand." Severus' mom said and glared at her husband. Severus just started to eat then excused himself from the table. He opened the door to his owl's cage and smiled at the bird.

"Hey Salazar." He greeted the owl. Salazar ruffled his feathers. "Tomorrow we go back to Hogwarts. I don't know if I should be more excited. Especially because if there is one person I shouldn't want to see... It's James bloody Potter." Salazar lightly pecked Severus' hand and he pet the bird. "I should get some sleep." He put the owl back in the cage and climbed into bed.

At Platform 9 3/4

James walked through the brick wall and found himself on the platform for the Hogwarts Express. He started looking around for his friends. As he scanned the crowd he saw Severus standing next to Lily on the platform.  

But instead of looking at Lily, he stared at the black haired boy next to her. As he looked at him he felt someone's arm get thrown around his shoulder. He looked over and saw Sirius.

"Hey James! How's it going?" He asked. James looked back over at Severus.

"Umm. It's going good." He answered his best friend.

"Whatcha looking at?" Sirius followed his friend's gaze over to Snape and Lily. "Ah I see. Staring at Lily, huh? When are you gonna ask her out?" Sirius looked back at his friend.

"R-right. I was looking at Lily." James stuttered. Sirius became distracted when he saw Remus walking up to them with Peter.

"Rem!" He shouted. He hugged his boyfriend and James smiled. Remus and Sirius got together towards the end of fourth year, when Sirius decided to stop flirting and finally asked him out. James was happy for them but he sometimes wished he could have a relationship like that. But who did he want it with?

"Hey Remus, hey Peter." James greeted his other friends.

"Hey James." Remus said. Peter quietly added a small 'hello'. 

"Rem tell James he should just ask Lily out." Sirius said.

"Still after her?" Remus asked. James hesitated.

"Um yeah." He said, but he was thinking otherwise. He felt like he should still be after Lily, but he didn't really feel like that anymore and he didn't even know why.

"It's been years." Sirius said.

"Yeah, and how long did it take for you to ask me out, Siri?" Remus smiled at his boyfriend.

"Low blow, Rem." Sirius said and Remus chuckled.

"Let's go grab a compartment." James said to take away the attention on his non-existent love life. His friends agreed and they all started to go to the train. They passed by Lily and Severus as they went to find a compartment and James smiled at them. It would seem like he was just smiling at Lily but his smile was more meant for Severus.

They sat down  in an empty compartment and started talking about how they were excited for 5th year. The train started moving to take them back to Hogwarts. James grew quiet as he looked out the window. Finally the train stopped and they started to leave. 

After the start of the year feast the four found themselves in their dorm, settling down.

"It feels nice to be back." Sirius said as he laid back on his bad.

"Yeah, it does." James agreed. They all got settled and each one fell asleep. James was the last one awake. He just kept thinking, mostly about Severus. Eventually sleep dragged him in too.

In Snape's Room

Severus settled into his room and smiled at being back. He sat on his bed and pulled out a potions book to read. He felt better now that he was back at Hogwarts. It was nice to be back at a place where he was around other magic kids his age. Even though he didn't have many friends, somehow he didn't feel so alone at Hogwarts.

He kept thinking about what would happen this year. It was 5th year. Maybe it would be the same as the years prior. Or maybe it could be different. But better different or worse different? He guessed he would have to wait to find out. 

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. I haven't seen this ship around too much. But I thought of it and was like, "THIS IS CUTE!" So I made it. I hope you like it. Hopefully I'll actually update it often.


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Falling for the Enemy (James Potter x  Severus Snape)Where stories live. Discover now