Meet the parents: Robin's side

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A/N: Orion Fowl here with the next, massive chapter. Fun fact! This chapter is the longest yet at over 5000 words. I need to cut back. But since this chapter goes over Robin's upbringing it couldn't be helped. Regardless, its time for yuri!

Chapter 8: Meet the parents: Robin's side

December 22, 2030. 8:40 a.m.

Robin went back into the house to prepare for Juniper's arrival. She had received a call earlier that Juniper was going get home soon, and since Robin now had the whole day off she wanted to take Juniper out on the town.

As Robin changed into a new outfit she looked around at their shared bedroom. A king-sized bed with pink, frilly sheets and pillows that they had picked together. Light blue walls decorated with pictures. A shared dresser where they kept their clothing, with a mirror above that they would often use. Different beauty accessories scattered on top of the dresser such makeup and hair brushes.

If the events of that day hadn't transpired, would she still know to appreciate everything around her, everything that she and Juniper had built together?

Robin liked to think she would, but they often said that you didn't know what you had until it was gone. And nothing made you appreciate your freedom more than the chance that you might lose it...

February 10th, 2028. 8:00 a.m.

Detention center, holding cell 3.

Robin stared at the ceiling of her holding cell, wondering how everything had gone so wrong. What mistake had she made? What clue had they missed?

She had entered the school campus around six this morning in order to see if she could find a new lead as to the Shadow's identity. But first, she had made a stop off at her locker in order to organize her stuff.

Inside had been a third note:

You've been an obstacle in my path for so long.

You've sat on the throne you didn't even want. You double down on what you do wrong.

It's too late for redemption. This is the end of the line for you.

Farewell, Robin Newman.

Robin quickly took out her cell phone and snapped a picture of the note.

Farewell? What exactly did the Shadow mean by that? Robin wondered. She began to scan the inside of her locker to see if she could glean any more clues.

Immediately, she noticed that one of her paintbrushes was missing. A small hammer she used for statue work had also vanished, and the bottom of the looker was stained with streaks of white. At this point, she noticed a rather odd smell inside her locker.

Is that bleach? Or some kind of cleaner at least.

Robin's Locker info updated.

Shadow's Notes updated.

Before Robin could contemplate the new information, she heard footsteps from down the hall. She turned around to find a pair of police officers approaching her.

"Are you Robin Newman?" One of the officers asked.

"I am." Robin said. "Are you here about the person that's been harassing me and Juniper?"

The officers shook their heads, and one of them took out their handcuffs.

"You're under arrest." The officer said as he placed the handcuffs around Robin's wrists. "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law..."

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