Sweet happiness

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A/N: This final flashback chapter has spoilers for Investigations 2, fair warning. Time to start bring the plot of this story to an end. It's time for femslash!

Chapter 30: Sweet happiness

December 22, 2030

Newman-Woods household, living room

7:00 p.m.

After a shower that ended up taking longer than either of them expected, Juniper and Robin returned to the living room. The two girlfriend's seated themselves on a couch, holding hands. Juniper and Robin rested their heads against each other, and for a good while there was silence.

There was silence, because no words were needed. It was enough that they could be near each other, enjoying each other's presence. The physical intimacy only matched by the emotional one. After a real whirlwind of a day, Juniper and Robin soaked in this calm moment together.

"I've really loved how today has gone!" Robin finally said, her usual excitable self. "This might be just my favorite anniversary so f-a-r."

"Are you sure about that? There are still so many years ahead of us, after all," Juniper said, softly but lovingingly.

"Oh, you're totally right! I need to make next year's anniversary even better. I already have so many ideas of how I could do that," Robin said intensely. "And more importantly, today still isn't over."

It really wasn't, and while Juniper was anxious for their dinner to finally begin, right now she didn't want to move from her spot cuddled up against Robin. Instead, she grabbed the T.V. remote and turned on their television, flipping through channels for something they could watch together to pass time.

"Wait, stop right there, Juniper!"

Juniper stopped, and through the T.V. speakers a cheerful theme song began playing.

"Macaroons and waffles~ Light and fluffy chiffon cake!"

"Happiness for one and all! The sweetest temptations..."

As the theme song continued the biggest grin started spreading on Robin's face. Juniper couldn't help but start smiling too, so sincerely overjoyed was her girlfriend. But what was this show to cause such a reaction?

On screen, a woman in a bright green dress started speaking, accompanied by a man with an afro of white hair.

"After a very long time, I am proud to announce the return of Piece of Cake!" The woman said, sounding just as happy as Robin. "As always, I am your host, Katherine Hall, and this is my wonderful co-host Jeff Masters."

"So join us today as we make delectable desserts together," Jeff Masters announced in a baritone, singsong voice. "Right here on stage!"

Seeing the show on screen, Juniper realized that Katherine Hall looked familiar. Following that train of thought, she understood why Robin was so happy to see this show.

"Katherine Hall...she's your favorite actress, isn't she?" Juniper asked Robin.

"Uh huh. I think I've told you about her before," Robin answered, her eyes glued to the monitor. "I watched her movies growing up and later found out she used to be on this."

Given the theatrical way that Jeff and Kate baked on stage, Juniper could definitely see why this show appealed to Robin. "So this is the show Katherine Hall used to be on before she was an actor," Juniper said thoughtfully. "It looks like such a wonderful time!"

"Eh heh heh. Then maybe we can learn to bake together from watching this~!" Robin exclaimed, trying to be in tune with the on screen singing and only partially succeeding.

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