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Epilogue: and our lives continued on intertwined

The source of my strength

End credits

"Hello, Myriam Scuttlebutt reporting live from the Scuttlebutt news HQ!"

Myriam frowned at the video camera she had set up on a tripod.

"At least, that's what I'm going to be saying someday, sss sss sss. But for now let's see what everyone's been up to since a certain married couple jetted off to their honeymoon."

Head author, OC creator, ultimate NewWoods shipper

OrionFowl(Fanfiction, Wattpad)/HinataSnow(AO3)/Snowthefirst(tumblr)

"Oh, hello there....Miss Scuttlebutt, if I'm not mistaken?" Diana Newman asked. "...what's that? You've got the footage and photos from the wedding? Well thank you."

"Why Robin choose to hold it in the middle of a forest is hard to understand," Richard Newman commented as he looked over them. "But then, our daughter isn't even a Newman anymore. You know.... I truly feel very proud of her, for making such a wonderful life despite having us for parents."

"Well, even if our daughter never comes to see us again, we'll always have each other," Diana said. "Though when I told Richard I'd follow him anywhere, I didn't think that would include prison."

Turnabout Shadow beta

DonCalaca(Snow's older brother)

Akadriver, Cyberwulf (consulting capacity)

"Is that from the wedding? Much obliged, Myriam," Virginia Woods said. "You know, living here at this home is pretty relaxing. I've done my best in raising Juniper in her parents' stead, and I couldn't be happier for her."

Virginia sighed. "Before she left on her honeymoon, Juniper told me she wanted to see her parents again, and if spirit channeling is real she just might. Maybe she should know what happened to them."

The Promised Turnabout beta

Keto-Enol/Eggtoast (tumblr)

"I thought everyone just forget about me," Michael Brash said, sitting in his preferred alley. "What brings you here, Miss Scuttlebutt?"

"...Is that so? Well good for them! As for me, I think it's about time I stopped feeling sorry for myself. The police department may have kicked me out, but I won't give up. I'll earn my badge back if it takes me the rest of my life."

Lead artist

Keto-Enol/Eggtoast (tumblr)

"What am I doing here?" Logan Sullivan echoed back. "Well, once a month I come back to shore to visit Lisette. She did a lot of horrible things, but she's still my twin sister."

"...Oh. I guess I should have expected that. Will I ever see them again? I'm not to sure. I think, before I can ever show my face to Juniper and Robin again, there's a lot I need to do. First of all, I want to find myself. I want to know just who I am, now that I've lost so much. There just might be a person worth a damn in me if I look hard enough."

Other artists

Canancandy (deviantart)

Kmitting (tumblr)

Mustachossom (tumblr)

Destinygirlz (tumbr, wattpad)

"Your face is one I didn't think I'd ever see again, my little Boxtop," Simon said, smirking menacingly.

"Please don't scare the fraulein away. Feel free to ignore my coworker," Klavier said to Myriam. "...ah, those are the from the wedding, aren't they? Achtung! That dream-like day ignited in me a passion to make a brand new song. Perhaps one day I will debut it."

"Woods-dono and Robin-dono may enjoy their respite," Simon added. "But if they go soft, I will personally cut them back into shape. It's the least I can do to make sure they fulfill their aim to redeem our law system."

Lead sound design

Teii (tumblr)

"This is Trucy Wright, magician extraordinaire and heir to the Gramayre legacy! Be ready, because soon I'll be coming to a city near you!"

"But not without me and Thalassa there to watch over you," Apollo cut in. "Trucy's managed to secure a national tour sponsorship, so she needs someone to keep her safe."

Apollo pumped his fists, his two bracelets in full view. "But this will also be the perfect chance for me gain experience by defending in different kinds of courts. Now that I've got my family to protect, I can't afford to slow down now!"

Special thanks

Rosage (Fanfiction)

Rakiyamine (AO3)

Mikazukrovia (AO3)

Knightspark (Fanfiction)

A Joria (Fanfiction)

valorandgold (tumblr)

lovinglysapphic (tumblr)

"Can this wait, Myriam? I'm in the middle of investigating for a case," Athena said. "...from the wedding? Why didn't you just say so! Thank you very much. No, I still won't tell you where Junie and Robin went."

"As you can see, Athena's been keeping pretty busy. She's defended five cases just this month," Ema said. "Not that I've just been sitting on my rear or anything. I've actually been lobbying the police department to accept a new form of scientific investigation. It's been slow going so far."

"Don't worry! I'm sure the police department will see things your way, Ema!" Athena said proudly. She made a V-sign with her left hand, showcasing a diamond ring on her ring finger.

Other special thanks




And everyone else from a certain chatroom that's helped me.

"How am I doing? Feh. Work as a detective just hasn't been as exciting since Robin left," John Marsh said. "I hope she gets back soon."

"John! That isn't the kind of attitude you should take towards your job," Judge Courtney reprimanded. "Though it is sweet that you miss Robin. I myself wish to see Juniper soon as well. She's a enjoyable pupil to have."

"Yeah, I suppose you're right, Mom," John said. "You're not overexerting yourself, right?"

"I assure you, my workload is perfectly reasonable," Judge Courtney answered. "Do you need anything, John? I know you've been living on your own for a while, but I'm always willing to help."

"I'm fine, Mom. Thanks."

And of course, thank you to each and every single person that's ever read a word of "The source of my strength".

"The O'Conner law offices will be opening shortly," Hugh said, smirking. "I've decided that since my clients deserve the best, I want to give them my undivided attention."

"...What's that? Why am I the only other person besides Athena that knows where Juniper and Robin are?" Hugh scratched at a certain red band around his neck. "Who can say? I was personally told to contact them in an emergency, and that they would reach us if they needed anything. But personally, I hope they enjoy their full honeymoon together. My best friends deserve nothing less."

Once again, thank you for embarking with me on this love story. "The source of my strength" is now all over. Will I ever return to this world? Or will I move on to other projects? I'm not sure. But I am eternally grateful to everyone that's ever touched this story, even if just a little. I don't think this is goodbye, either way. Instead, I hope to see you all soon.

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