The art of self-reflection

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A/N: The thing about people is that internal issues don't just go away, more so when they aren't acknowledged. So it goes in this chapter, I'll just get this chapter started without any other words. It's time for femslash!

Chapter 14: The art of self-reflection

December 22, 2030

Newman-Woods residence, bedroom

10:30 a.m.

Robin slowly roused herself to find out she had been moved to the bedroom at one point. She smiled to herself, knowing that it had been Juniper that had done it.

Still in a tired haze, she couldn't help but think on how truly selfless Juniper was, and what a radiant person that made her. There was a time in their relationship, though, when even that wasn't enough to rescue Robin from herself....

May 3, 2028

Location: Themis Legal Academy, Room 176

Time: 11:15 a.m.

"Ms. Newman, please cease humming. You are disturbing your classmates."

Robin stopped focusing from her notes to find that indeed she had been humming softly to herself, and looking around revealed that some of her classmates had become rather irritated with her.

"Eh heh heh heh. Sorry everyone," Robin said sheepishly. "I'll be more mindful of everyone around me, I promise!"

The teacher glared repremindily at Robin for a few more seconds before letting up and turning his attention back the class at large.

Robin herself went back to taking notes on the lecture, only this time while trying to consciously make sure she didn't start humming again.

Near the end of the class the teacher had an announcement to make.

"In only a few weeks Themis Legal Academy will be having it's final exams. I imagine this is a stressful time for most students, most especially the third years, as these tests will be the final obstacle between them and the wider legal world. But do not fear, for as long as you maintain the teachings we professors have imparted, then the exams should not pose any problems."

Most of the class looked deeply apprehensive at this news, but Robin was already packing her stuff and had subconsciously started humming under her breath again.

May 3, 2028

Location: Themis Legal Academy, Justitia's Cafe

Time: 1:32 p.m.

This hadn't actually been the first time something like this had happened, although it was the first time it had happened at school. As of late Robin had been given to just bursting into bubbly waves of cheeriness. Everything around her made her happy, and things that normally

brought her down like the reprimand she had just received slid right off of her.

At the moment Robin was munching on some homemade lunch from Juniper, with Juniper herself snuggled up comfortably against Robin, napping. Ever since the two had exchanged love confessions during the sleepover a couple of weeks ago. their relationship had been reenergized, with plenty of spontaneous kisses or the two of just cuddling up against each other like right now. Needless to say, it was the primary reason why Robin was in a near perpetual good mood recently.

"You two are starting to make my skin crawl," Myriam muttered under her breath.

Robin completely ignored Myriam's complaint, off into her own little world.

"I'd think you of all people would be happier about this," Hugh said, grinning a bit smugly. "Since you got to have the exclusive on us you've always wanted, and the newspaper club has definitely seen a lot of new members because of it."

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