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     We arrive at the hotel. I walk in and straight into my room. I got the phone and called Angelo.


"Hi, Angelo. I got great news for you."

  "Well,what is it? It is a pony?"

  "Hahaha,no. They like the deal and signed the contract."

  "Really! I know I can count on you! You son of bitch! You got balls unlike these pussy I got here. These men don't know shit for business."

  "Well, you did raise me. I learn from the best."

    "I know,kid. I have your reward as we are speaking. Come home already. It's become boring here lately without you. I need my killing buddy."

  "Alright,I just need to take care of some things here. Thank you."

  We hang up and I went to take a shower. I wasn't sure if I should a bath or shower once I stepped into the bathroom. I stared at tub the shower. Tub, definitely tub. I turn on the water and put rose oil with petals in the tub. I got my clothes ready. I slowly remove my clothes and hang it up. I touch the water and it was the perfect temperature. I dip in as my body melted in the tub. It felt like a warm hug wrapped around me. I took a deep breathe and relax. I close my eyes and focus on the silence. Strangely they appear on my mind. Reggie. Ron. It was a perfect image as if they were here. I smiled to myself. I open my eyes and reach to turn off the water. I was staring at the ceiling, thinking. Thinking what would happen if I wasn't who I am today. Thinking I could go to college like Frances. Having a decent job. Living normal. Going in a straight line. No. That's what my mind says,no. It feels like my mind is another person and it is talking to me. Therefore I listened to it. I wasn't sure what I want now. No. That's all I can say. Stay the way you are,it said. Just like that,I stopped thinking.
   I heard a knock on the door and it open.

  "(Y/N), you got a message."

  "Can't you see I'm trying to relax here, gosh."
  "Sorry, ma'am. It seem urgent to tell you."

  "Well, what's the massage?"

  "It's from the Krays."

  I froze. What if they call off the deal? Did they want more? Fuckers.

  "What does it say?"

  "It's just a invitation and a note." He hands it to me as I sat up from the tub and dry my hands. He then walk away and close the door. Ops. I thought wrong. I read the invitation which read the direction to his bar. I look at the note.
  It reads: Sorry for out manners. Our mother didn't raise us like that. I have sent you this note as our appreciation yet a favor. After observing your well done business,I would like to invite you to a business party. Your skills will help get deals. So please,put on your best suit and keep your attitude.
                                          Your new partner,
                                            Reggie Kray
  I laughed a little to myself. The Krays? Need my help? Ha. Now it's getting more fun. It's getting more intense. I quickly got of the tub and dry myself. I look for other suit. Something that men know I can do whatever I want. Something that can get their attention. I put on a red three button blouse and black pantsuit. I tuck in my blouse in and put on a belt. I look in a mirror. My breast were showing,perfect. My bum is out, excellent. I walk into my closet to find my favorite black shinning heels,sexy. I look in the mirror and put red lipstick, finished. I grab my jacket and put it on my shoulder as I hold it. I took one last look at the mirror. I wink and blow a kiss back at it. I definitely going to snatch their attention.
   I walk out of the room and in to the marble hall. My bodyguards was surprised. They didn't move when I walked pass them. It's working. I stopped at the hotel door. I turn to them.

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