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I went straight to my dorm to change back to my comfy clothes to pretend in front of Hermione I just got out of the shower. Five minutes after I entered our shared bathroom, I heard Hermione standing up from her bed so I got out.

"Good morning," I said trying to appear as if I was still a bit sleepy.

"Hey, I had a weird dream. I felt like someone was walking all over the room, did you feel anything?" she asked, grabbing her clothes to get into the shower.

"Sorry, no idea," fucking hell, I knew I wasn't being as silent as I thought myself to be.

She shrank her shoulders and got into the bathroom, not giving it more importance. I took my wand and a notebook to have the class of the day with professor Lupin. The pages were full of sketches and little notes since we rarely practised theory. I got out of my room and walked down to the kitchen where Mrs Weasley was preparing breakfast while George and Sirius were sat at the table, still a bit sleepy.

"Mrs Weasley, can I help you?" I offered myself when I saw how the poor woman was barely managing by herself while those two were almost sleeping over the table.

I wanted to set peace between us, even if it was just straight up basic cordiality.

"No, kid, it is okay," she said with a cold tone while cleaning the countertop.

"I insist, I can prepare the coffee." I grabbed the coffee pot and started preparing it. When I was at the Arambella mansion, I used to share the housework with the elves, even though they didn't like the idea too much.

Once she saw how I was doing it correctly she tightened her lips.

"Thank you" she simply said, as if it pained her to say it.

I serve myself a cup of black coffee and some food and sat while re-reading my notes from the previous classes. When I was already almost finishing, Remus entered the room with messy hair and sleepy eyes and greeted everyone while his hand rested for exactly three seconds on Sirius' shoulder, who blushed slightly almost unnoticeable. I had to force myself to hide a little smile.

"Lilith, darling, would you like to go to the studio and start the class now? I'd take my coffee there." Remus said standing by my side with a kind smile. His eyes went from mine to the notebook where a little portrait of him was next to the notes I took last week. "That's really beautiful! I didn't know you could draw."

"I'm full of surprises." I joked, standing up to clean the dishes I used and leaving the room.

The class went as fast as all of them. I loved to have Remus as a professor again and I felt how my interest in the subject was growing with every class. After an entire hour, we finally stopped and Remus sat at his desk, leaving his feet hanging.

"How've you been doing, Lilith?" he started, taking a chocolate bar from his pocket and offering me a piece.

I took it and thanked him.

"I'm fine, still missing my little walks in the town."

"Well, we didn't get any other news and since you are behaving so well, perhaps you can go out before than expected," he said with his typical smile.

Merlin, this poor man had his expectations too high on me...

"That would be great, Remus. I really miss talking with Liv even though it has only been four days."

Wait, if Remus didn't know anything about my almost escape, that means Fred didn't mention anything... weird.

I'll have to make sure I threaten his life if he snitches on me, though. You never know with these Gryffindors.

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