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"Fred's a ginger, and I don't fancy him in the way you think. What did you want, Severus?" I asked, still quite confused because of his previous comment.

The man in front of me interlaced his fingers and looked at me with the tiredness brightening in his black eyes.

"Since no one knows which is going to be your mother's next movement, I found it opportune to tell you that, thanks to William Weasley who is working now in Gringotts, half of the money in your chamber, which your mother knew, is now saved in one of the secret ones that belong to the Order. Your mother knows a lot of tricks to be able to get to your money, which is obvious that she will need, so I thought it would be convenient to keep what is yours away from her."

I was absolutely surprised. It was a brilliant idea, my mother had access to the previous chamber because it was under the Snape family name so being able to keep half of it far from her was a way to make sure she didn't leave without anything.

"I know that you were saving that money for your personal things," Severus added.

"Yes, once I'm out of here, Liv and I planned to move together," I replied. "Thanks, Severus. I can't imagine what I'd do without that money."

He nodded, "Now, please go outside and tell Mr Potter to come in."

"May I ask what are you two on?"

"You cannot say anything about it, clear?" he stated, warning me. "I'm teaching him Occlumency."

I whistled surprised. Poor Harry...

"Are you being as tough with him as you were with me?"

"Even more. The arrogant snot is just like his father, no matter how many times I try with him, he doesn't resist."

"Give 'im time, it took me one whole year to perfection it."

"When you were 12, he is 15 and the supposed hero. Do not excuse him, Lilith."

I shrugged and opened the door, ready to leave.

Talking in front of the door, Harry and Fred turned around as soon as they saw me. Harry's eyes went straight to my hand where the fresh wound was still itching, I hid it discreetly behind my back.

"Harry, Snape wants you inside his office."

The boy grunted and dragged his feet on the ground to enter the room.

"If you apply camomile it will heal sooner," he whispered before getting inside, lifting his sleeve to show me another scar in his hand, similar to mine, saying I must not tell lies.

"Thanks, mate."

Once Harry got in the office, my eyes went back to Fred. He was leaning against the wall, arrogantly, with his hands in his pockets, examining me.

"Shall we go?"

He stayed silent for a couple of seconds. "If you ever, Lilith Arambella, dare to slam me against the wall and kiss me like that again I promise you I'm fucking you right there, I don't give a fuck who is watching or who isn't, understood?"

I snorted.

"You wouldn't dare."

"Don't try me, Lilith."

I held back my own laugh, rolling my eyes.

"Cool, now, let's go."

"Do you mind if we go to the old tree instead of the loo? I need some fresh air."

𝖶𝖨𝖢𝖪𝖤𝖣 𝖧𝖠𝖳𝖤 | 𝖥𝖱𝖤𝖣 𝖶𝖤𝖠𝖲𝖫𝖤𝖸Where stories live. Discover now