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During the next couple of days, my entire attention focused on studying for my NEWTs and, since 'Mione, Ron and Harry were also occupied with their OWLs, we spent a lot of time at the library with tones of coffee and books

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During the next couple of days, my entire attention focused on studying for my NEWTs and, since 'Mione, Ron and Harry were also occupied with their OWLs, we spent a lot of time at the library with tones of coffee and books. Things seemed to go back to normality — as normal as two weeks full of exams could be — and I even went back to talking to Draco and be as close as we used to.

I knew nothing about Fred after we left the Garden when it was already almost curfew, but even though he was probably immersed in his own things and I had a lot to study, I couldn't help but find myself thinking about him.

I missed him. There was no point in hiding it. I missed him a lot.

The only time I saw him during these days was when I was walking with Olivia to her room to keep studying for Herbology and he almost bumped into me while running in the corridor, with George following him shortly after, who waved and smiled as soon as he saw us.

By the time my last exam arrived, I was quite happy with how I did it in the previous ones; my uncle already told me I had achieved the highest score in Potions and McGonagall gave me a dim smile after my exam, that meaning I must to have done it really good.

Herbology and DADA were already done — Professor Sprout didn't give me any clue about my results and even though Umbridge hated me with all her heart, I managed to memorise all the theory word by word as it was on the book, so I must have achieved a good mark — and now, I only needed to do Charms and try to get the highest mark in both theoretical and practical exams as well.

When my turn to the practical exam came, Professor Flitwick gave me a little smile;

"Ms Arambella, you already know how this works. Please, stay calm."

I nodded and he asked me to perform a series of five charms in front of the rest of the class. Luckily, I found them extremely easy and known so I was walking on solid ground.

While the rest of my classmates had to do their exams, I let myself rest a little bit, leaning against one of the tables, and soon, my mind started to digress.

Fred isn't here. He knew the exam is today but he is not here.

I shook my head trying to spurn the thought. Whether I had feelings for him or not, I couldn't allow him to be the only thing rambling in my mind.

Suddenly, a huge bang was heard outside of the room. I scowled, a bit puzzled. The only exam taking place at the same time as this one was Year 5's DADA exam and it was all theory, where does that noise come from?

Another bang.

Since our exam was almost finished, Flitwick allowed us — the ones who were already done — to go out and check everything was going fine. I almost jumped from the table because my curiosity was killing me.

𝖶𝖨𝖢𝖪𝖤𝖣 𝖧𝖠𝖳𝖤 | 𝖥𝖱𝖤𝖣 𝖶𝖤𝖠𝖲𝖫𝖤𝖸Where stories live. Discover now