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Two days later, with Mr Weasley back at home, we were all completely relaxed, we got our Christmas presents; I managed to sneak to the city centre the day before to buy everyone their own gift - even for Mr and Mrs Weasley, to whom I left theirs anonymously, scared of their reaction if I had given it to them personally -, and sent Iris away with the ones meant for Pauline, Liv and Draco.

I got some beautiful gifts too, which I kept carefully saved in my trunk, the most beautiful one was Tonks's handmade jumper for me which she did by imitating Mrs Weasley's ones, who even though she still avoided looking or talking to me, at least now when she did it, it didn't seem as if I was the worst evil walking this earth.

Since the woman was still tired, the twins and Ronald decided to be the ones who prepared the Christmas dinner, but because they weren't precisely the most gifted chefs and Kreacher was locked, they asked me to help them. In one of the moments, Fred and George disappeared to get more ingredients, leaving Ron and me alone together, which at first was quite weird since I never talked to him but we ended up chatting a bit and it was quite good. He was way nicer than I had thought.

The adults and the rest thanked us, and especially, I noticed Mrs Weasley's surprised and relieved look. While Harry, Sirius and Hermione cleaned the dishes after dinner, Remus went outside to wait for Liv, who asked to visit me a few days ago, while I had a little rest reading the letters Draco and Pauline sent me.

"The first living room, dear," I heard Remus whisper once the door opened.

"Thank you, Professor," Liv's voice sounded and I almost threw myself to run in her direction. I hugged her tightly, almost making the two of us fall, "Oh, you really missed me, huh?" she chuckled, trying to keep balance.

"Of course I did! How was France? How is Pauline?"

Her eyes shined even more and her smile widened. "Amazing, every time I see her is even better than the previous one, she is so beautiful, Lilith. I can't believe someone can be that beautiful, and you should see her house... being there with her feels like a daydream."

"Olivia Lovegood, right?" Sirius asked behind her, making Liv turn around smiling. "I heard a lot about you, welcome to my house. I already informed your dad you'll be staying here these next two days."

"Thank you, Mr Black."

"Bah! Call me Sirius, I'm not that old."

I couldn't separate from Liv because of how excited I was about having her here with me. Even though Hermione and Ginny were a really nice company, Liv will always be Liv.

All of us accommodated in the living room, hanging out together and having a couple of butterbeer. Soon, Liv was completely included in the group, making me feel even more comfortable.

"You let Lilith drink vodka?! The last time she drank it we ended up in Wales-"

"Olivia!" I called her out, already laughing.

"You are never going to let me tell what happened in Wales, are you?"


"Anyway, I'm surprised you didn't get wasted, when was the last time you got a bit hammered? Was it in the Yule?" She chuckled.

"To be fair," George interrupted, "Everybody got hammered in the Yule Ball."

"George Fabian Weasley!" His mum scowled, making the ginger shrug amused and his twin laugh. She snorted and left the room to keep an eye on Mr Weasley who was sleeping, followed by Sirius and Remus who apparently had something to talk about alone.

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