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As soon as our bodies went back to normal, I stood up, with my legs still trembling - what made Fred snicker - and started to get dressed to leave his room. It wasn't like we would stay cuddling together all night...

"Uhmm, do you know any contraceptive charms?" Fred asked, rubbing his face with his hands.

I turned around to put on my bra when I noticed how I was feeling the blood accumulating in my cheeks.

"No need to," I said trying to sound confident. "I take the Muggle contraceptive pill, for my period cramps."

I glanced at him and he was already up, with his boxers on.

"And, are you sure that works on you?" he asked not too convinced.

"I've been taking them since I was 14 and no children in sight, so what do you think?"

He chuckled, "A'right, don't have to take your claws out again, Arambella. I had enough of them right there." his eyes pointed to the bed.

I rolled my eyes trying not to show how flustered I actually was. I have fucked Fred Weasley! And I don't regret it! What the fuck is going on with me?!

"I don't think I have to say this but just to make sure; not a word, to anyone, about what happened here." I piped up, ready to leave.

He nodded, with a proud smile on his shiny face. The tension was still tangible in the room. Even though I'd suppose it would magically erase right after we fucked, it felt like, instead, it was growing more and more. Without any other word, I opened the door but when I was about to give a step out, I crashed with a tall body. I saw a brown and kind pair of eyes.

"Lilith!" George Weasley greeted, eating from a big bag of crisps. Confusion appeared in his eyes pretty soon. "What 're you doing in here, mate?"

Think fast.

"I lost something and I thought the prat of your brother had it." I managed to reply without stuttering and sounding convincing enough. I could feel Fred's gobsmacked eyes on my back.

George seemed to agree with that but then, his eyes went straight to his twin and his face showed full of surprise and shock. He almost let his food drop.

"Oh, wait! Wait, wait!" he chuckled, still freaking out. "You two...! Blimey! I fucking knew it! Lost something, huh, Lilith?" the sarcasm flooded his tone while he entered the room, and sat in his bed, eating crisps, looking completely amused. "Maybe you lost the 'D'?"

"Fuck's sake, George!" Fred growled, holding back his laughter.

I tightened my lips trying not to laugh or to embarrass myself even more. What about the 'no one knowing'?

"You can keep your bloody jokes to yourself, pal. It only happened once." Fred stated, standing beside me.

I nodded, even though the embers inside me weren't pleased with that at all. I can't want more of him. "Yeah, we just found a way to fight and release all the rage we had for each other and did it. Just once."

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