Worth it?

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TW: nsfw. If you don't want to read it stop reading at the "—"

Dream was pulled back into reality and he blinked, his eyes trying to register the room around him. Jimmy stood over him, frowning. "You didn't say anything, were you okay Dream?"

"I'm sorry...it was just a lot at once. Next meeting, I promise I'll do better." He was shaken up at the least and was eager to return home. These meeting were going to be hard. Of course, he had to trust Jimmy's methods of remembering if he was going to face Schlatt.

He exchanged a few more words with Jimmy and handed him his money before seeing himself out. As he began to walk towards home, he heard a siren.


He watched a police car breezed past him on the empty road, lights flashing madly. He fumbled to take his phone out of his pocket and pulled up George's contact info, unable to calm his heartbeat. He pressed call and waited, walking faster down the sidewalk.


"George! Are you okay?" Dream said, voice cracking.

"I'm fine, why? What's wrong?"

Dream stopped walking and leaned against a brick wall as rain started to sprinkle down from the sky. "I-I saw a cop car- I thought-" his voice hitched in his throat and he felt water streaming down his face. He couldn't tell if it was rain or tears.

George was quick to respond. "I'm okay. Where are you?"

"45th ave. I'm...I'm sorry, I didn't mean-"

"Stay there. I'm going to get you."

George walked briskly down the sidewalk, shielding his eyes from the rain as it poured down. He saw a figure leaning against a wall, eyes squeezed shut, and immediately ran to Dream. He took him in his embrace, their wet shirts sticking together, and he brushed his hand through Dream's hair.

Dream squeezed him back. "I thought it-" he couldn't finish the sentence.

George shushed him gently and held him close, glad that he was safe. "Let's get you back home, hm?" He asked.

He decided to hold Dream's hand on the walk back, and Dream accepted it. They didn't speak. George knew Dream's difficulty with expressing how he feels and he allowed his friend silence on their walk back. He pushed the key into the door and lead Dream inside the small apartment.

"You didn't bring your crutches." Dream said, voice monotone, motioning to the crutches leaning against the wall.

George had completely forgotten about them and was shocked when he realized he'd walked all that way without them as his aid. Smiling, George nodded. "Let's get you out of these clothes," he said, holding Dream's hand and leading him to the bedroom.

Dream allowed George to pull off his shirt and got a wave of urgent need that flowed through his body. "George..." he whispered as his friend lifted the shirt over his arms, but George was already a step ahead of him. Their lips connected in a soft kiss, George hesitant to push Dream further, but Dream kissed him back.

Dream's lips were chapped, but George didn't mind. He cupped Dream's face in his hands and broke away. "Clay..." he whispered. "Do you really want to do this?"

His answer was returned with another kiss, this time rougher, and George felt himself being lifted up onto the bed. Dream aided him by pulling off his shirt, exposing his bruised and burned skin, but he ignored it, pressing soft kisses on each scar. George sighed into Dream's embrace, allowing him to continue further down.

Dream's lips continued lower and he fumbled to unzip George's jeans, pulling them off his legs and carelessly tossing them onto the floor. George mumbled Dream's name and groaned as Dream pulled his boxers down.

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