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George rolled over and felt a pressure on his waist. Groaning, he opened his eyes and waited for them to adjust to the bright light pouring in from the window to his right. He turned and saw a figure sleeping soundly with one of his arms wrapped around George's middle and the other slid underneath the pillow that supported his head. Dream's face was even and relaxed and George watched as his bare chest rose and fell in an even pace.

He couldn't believe this was happening. He couldn't believe that had happened.
He felt...guilty. George knew he was gay and had since he was a kid. Dream however had shown no previous signs of even liking men, let alone George. Dream had been upset last night and George couldn't help but feel that he'd taken advantage of him in his vulnerable state.

His train of thought disappeared when he heard a soft groan from beside him. The sheets rustled as Dream rolled over to look at George. "Mornin'" he said, his voice deep and heavy with sleep. Smiling at George's soft nod, Dream closed his eyes again and clutched at his waist tighter. Reading Dream's sign, George scooted closer, pressing his chest into Dream's and burying his face in his neck.

"How did you sleep?" George asked, his words muffled.

Dream chuckled and pushed George away slightly. "After that," he teased, "like a baby." George pushed him playfully, but returned back to his spot on Dream's chest.

Dream could feel a slight aching in his hips that he had never felt before. George had been his first, he realized, but he couldn't help but smile. Maybe if he played his cards right, it could be more than a one time thing.

George sighed heavily against Dream and closed his eyes, letting Dream occupy his hands by playing with his hair. "You can't ever stay still, can you, Clay?" He asked, his voice soft and light.

"Can't help it," Dream mumbled, his face red with slight embarrassment. "It's soft and...feels nice."

George was relieved by this reaction from Dream. They would obviously have to talk about what their future was going to look like, but for the time being, this moment was all they needed. George smiled and let Dream continue, kissing his cheeks in return.

They eventually got up and Dream called the first shower. As the water dripped down his face, he had flashbacks to the night before when George had been there too, helping him clean up from their prior interaction. He could feel George's hands running through his hair, washing it gently and rubbing down his chest.

He ached to feel that again. He couldn't be too hopeful. He'd been vulnerable and George was just trying to distract him. He appreciated it, but he wanted to know more. Was George really okay with this? Was he okay with Dream?

Dream splashed warm water in his face as he contemplated everything, taking in all that had happened. As he did so, he could feel the panic sweep over him. Things couldn't stay like this. Not as long as Schlatt was still out there and while Dream still couldn't remember everything about his past. Phil had said to take care of George. Being in a relationship would only serve as a distraction.

He shut off the water and wrapped a towel around his waist, exiting the bathroom in search for fresh clothes.

George was in the kitchen making eggs when Dream sat down at the counter, unlocking his phone and typing furiously. "I was thinking about streaming again today. I haven't been on Twitter since yesterday, but I assume people want to know more about everything. I'm not going to tell the real truth, but-" he stopped. "Are you listening?" He asked, looking up at Dream. "Clay?"

Dream's eyes were wide as he stared at his phone.

<unknown number>

Meet me at Jimmy's. I need
to talk with you.
- Sapnap

But of a shorter chapter but the next one is going to be one of the best. Sapnap returns!!!!!

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This is unedited since Editor Jack is on vacation :)

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