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To Clay,

If you are reaDing this, the worst is only yet to come. I am writing this December 12, 2018. Please stay safe in Manburg. The plan was never meant to work. It was made to fail and you were the key of that happening. It was never meant to be, Clay.

Schlatt is evil. He has never cared for anyOne, least of all you or I. Since you are reading this, we have already left. Schlatt is making plans to fully infiltrate Pogtopia and take it for himself. Who kNew Pogtopia was so clOse to Manburg? I'm guessing you've learned that by this poinT.

Another thing: keep George safe. You may have not met him yet, but he is a vital part of Schlatt's plan. He was alWays meant to be the deadliest piece on the board. The queen is a powerful piece, but she has a weAKness.

Beware the knight.

I remember when you wEre a young boy, full of so much energy and life. I remember holding you when you were born, my nephew. You were so beautiful. I have vivid memories of chasing you around the tree on ChrisTmas Day, wisHing the moment would nevEr end.

I'm ashamed to be writing this, Clay. The fact that I must write to you in this manner, sending this message, means I have failed you as an uncle. It means you've discovered who I truly am.

I douBt you remEmber my face or even my name. Maybe Schlatt has told you about me, but I doubt he would.

Giving you the power he hAs, he would try to keep you as isolated as posSible. Ask Will. He knows the most. If you can find him, he would be able to tell you.

I can't wriTe for too much longer. Schlatt is coming to speak to me.

Remember the Knight.

Forget the Pawn.

George is the key. The Queen must be protected in order to protect the King.

Stay safe.

Please do not try and find me. Chances are I have long left Pogtopia with my men. If you were hurt in my behalf, I apologize. I have little control over my boss's men.

I miss you. Stay hidden, and stay far away from Schlatt.

~ Phil


I'm guessing you go by that name now? Will filled me in. I'm so glad to know that you are alright in Manburg. The plan hasn't happened yet as I am writing this, but I know you won't read this until long after.

I must keep this short and sweet.

Make sure you find Will. Will knows the answer. If you've read my first note I hope you were able to figure out the cypher. If not, then I hope you do. It isn't safe saying it in one solid line. You never know who may be watching.

Make note of the capitals. D.C. is not one of them.

Stay safe,

~ Phil


This is urgent. I'm giving this directly to Will. This means you will receive this note before all the others. Just know what I am doing is to keep you safe. Whatever may be happening, keep your head up and your thoughts clear.

I miss you, Clay. I miss you, my nephew, more than anything.

Keep the new recruit safe. He's important.

~ Phil

George reread each crumpled note carefully, all the way through before reading them for a fourth time.

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