The surprise

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A/N: Hey there! I wanted to try a second Larry fanfic, I'm not sure this is gonna be a "one shot", maybe more like a short story, I was supposed to post it before Louis' bday but I hadn't have time. Let me know what you think.

Since Louis' 18 birthday was close, his mother Jay was planning a surprise trip for the family to celebrate, she had worked hard all year and saved enough to pay for a one month trip at Holmes Chapel, a little town in Cheshire, only about 2 hours away from their hometown, Doncaster. She knew it wasn't much, since it was a small town and not a big city, but at least she would make his 18 birthday a special one.

Since Louis was born on Christmas Eve, they usually celebrate his birthday and Christmas together and he only received one gift. He never complained about it, but his mother thought he deserved at least one birthday to be special and not to feel like they were just celebrating Christmas Eve.
She had everything sorted out, they would stay in a small house that was way cheaper than a hotel, and they'll have enough time to visit the whole town.

On the last week of November, Jay waited for everyone to finish dinner to give them the news.
-I have a very special announcement -Jay said with a big bright smile. Everyone went silent and stared at her curiously -Well, as we all know our Lou is turning 18 next month, so I thought we might do something special to celebrate. -Jay paused to see his son's reaction

-It's alright mum, you don't need to -Louis said with a shy smile. He never liked his mum worrying too much about what to get him for his birthday. He admired his mother for always giving him and his sisters the best she could, she was a hard worker and no matter what problems they could face, she would always find a way to solve everything.

-Of course I need to, it's your eighteen birthday my baby boy. We're going on a one month trip to Holmes Chapel. Listen I know, it's not a big city and probably there isn't much to do but, it's really pretty and... -Louis grabbed Jay's hand and gave her a big smile -Mum, it's okay, it's perfect, really. Thanks. You didn't need to spend your savings on this trip, a cake would have been enough.

-Hush, we all need a bit of rest and distraction. It's been forever since the last time we went on a holiday. Don't worry about the money darling, like I said is a small town, so I'm sure we will be fine with the money I've saved. Okay so you need to start packing because we will be leaving this Saturday. Be sure to pack sweaters, specially you Louis -Jay teased him. Louis rolled his eyes while laughing and they all stayed there discussing the plans.

Later Louis helped his mum take his sisters to bed and after they were sleeping he went to Jay's room to say goodnight.
-Thank you mum, you really didn't need to do it. -He gave her a tight hug.
-No need to thank me darling. You're my baby boy, you deserve it. Now go to sleep, you still got two days of classes.

Louis went to sleep very grateful and happy that day, he was actually excited about the trip. Next day, at school during break he told his girlfriend Eleanor about his trip.
-So we won't be spending your birthday together? I thought we said we'd go somewhere nice -She pouted
-Like I said, me mum have already everything planned, it was a surprise, I'm sorry. But we can celebrate when I come back. -Louis said caressing his girlfriend's cheek.
-I guess so. Well I hope you have fun. Where did you say you're going?
-Holmes Chapel
-Oh, well I'm not sure you will have much fun there
-I'm sure I will. My mum worked hard for this, and I am thankful for this gift. -Louis said firmly rolling his eyes at the sarcastic commentary. -Hey, but we can watch a film later at mine's if you want to
-Sounds good -She smiled as she rested her head on his shoulder

He knew his girlfriend since childhood, they had always been in the same school, and as they grew up they started getting along really well, he loved her but there were many things he realised he didn't really liked about her recently, mainly about her personality, maybe he was growing up or maybe it was just him overthinking. She was the longest relationship he had been in until now.

18th birthday trip -  Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now