4240 words
"On one condition."
"And what's that?" Niko looked over at Savannah from the driver's seat. As he drove her and Cale to Hierapolis City, Savannah was using the time to straighten out a few things.
Niko's proposal of turning rogue at first seemed preposterous, but she was slowly warming to the benefits of the idea. In order to play Zion's game, she'd have to think like him, act like him, and live on the wild side of life--for a little while, anyway.
"I'll go rogue as long as I don't have to do anything illegal."
Cale choked on a laugh from the backseat.
"What?" She spun around and glared at him.
"The very state of being a rogue is illegal."
"Not all rogues are automatically criminals," Niko defended, rolling his eyes at the simplistic generalisation of Cale's opinion. "Just like not all Alphas are saints."
"I can agree with you on that," Savannah nodded her head. "So, do we have a deal? I don't want to break any laws or hurt anybody unnecessarily in our hunt for Zion."
"Can't guarantee that, sweetheart. Being a rogue does require a little blurring of the lines every now and then."
"Well, then it's a good thing I have great vision. I can spot the line between right and wrong from a mile away," Savannah declared emphatically. There would be no more compromising situations, no more actions to be ashamed of, and certainly no partying, drinking, or thieving. This Alpha was going to be the best rogue that ever lived.
"Sure, whatever you say," Niko looked at her sideways with a knowing smile.
"Don't give me that look. I'm being serious!" She punched him in the arm.
"What look? You mean this look?" Niko turned back to the road and concentrated with all his attention. He couldn't stop the twitch in his lips as if suppressing a smirk, earning himself another punch in the arm from the irate Alpha.
Before they arrived at Zion's old house, they began planning their next move. Niko had some ideas about who in town would have been in contact with Zion, and figured they might know of his plans. Apparently Tas and Chayton weren't responding to any of his texts, nor were Willow and Talei.
So he was beyond annoyed to find Talei at the house when they arrived, casually painting her nails while her phone sat unanswered on the table beside her. With music blasting through bluetooth speakers, Niko practically walked up to her and gave her the fright of her life before she realised they'd entered.
"Don't give me a heart attack!" she swore at him before glaring at Cale and Savannah as if they were intruders. "And you," she pointed a finger at Savannah. "You have some nerve. Breaking Zion's heart like you did, then prancing back in here all high and mighty like you own the place," she accused, her tone biting.
"I--uh.. What did I do?" Savannah stuttered, taken completely off guard by the shewolf's outlandish statements. Broke his heart?! Is that the story he was spreading? What about the state of her own heart that he had trampled all over with his lies and mistreatment?
"Just kidding!" Talei cracked a smile, slinging both arms around Savannah and pulling her in for a hug. "Good to see you again, Sis. Wasn't sure I would, given the way you ended things with our main man."
"I didn't end things, he's the one who left--"
"And then there's the whole murdered lord of Council thing, so I figured you'd be trying to forget you ever met Zion, but here you are for some crazy reaso--"

The Alpha's Rogue ✔️
Werewolf"So tell me, Rogue, how would you like to be killed? A slit to your throat, your heart ripped out, or how about a silver bullet to your brain?" "Kiss me first, Alpha. Then I'll let you do whatever you like to me." His confidence made her heart skip...