6 | True to Our Nature

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Gravel on the dirty sidewalk crunched under their feet as the Alpha and Gamma slinked down the road.

It wasn't hard to track the scents of seven rogues, and Savannah kept a keen ear and alert eyes on her surroundings as they followed the trail down the street and around a corner. The buildings were like nothing she had seen before, the masonry and architecture completely different to what she'd grown up with.

But now was not the time to sightsee. She had a rogue mate to find.

"Psst. Down there. By the docks. You see that big warehouse? I think it's empty. The rogues must be hiding out and waiting for something. I don't see any movement," Cale informed her as he peered around a large bin that smelled like it contained three week's worth of food scraps and other putrid things she'd rather not identify.

"Then let's check it out."

The Alpha took the lead, walking down between stacks of crates as they approached the warehouse. Shadows surrounded them, light coming only from a single street lamp up on the main road. But the wolves' strong eyesight dismissed the darkness and allowed them to see even on the blackest nights.

"Come on, show yourselves," she called out when she heard seven heartbeats nearby. "I know you're here."

A hand reached out from the darkness, snaked around her waist, and yanked her into the shadows.

"What on ea—!"

"Are you trying to get us all killed?" a deep voice rasped in her ear after she fell into a lap.

Her face crushed against a chest, a very hard and warm chest. The tropical scent of peaches nearly overwhelmed her, and from up this close she also detected the very masculine scents of cypress forests. Savannah blinked up into the angry face of her mate. "So you can be killed? Ah ha!" she crowed.
"You do have a vulnerability!"

"You're our vulnerability right now if you don't shut up!" Zion hissed, shoving his hand over her mouth and peering out from his hiding place behind a shipping container.

"Mmm mmm," she squirmed against his firm grip, the strong Alpha unused to being manhandled against her will. "Let me go!" she snapped after biting his hand and tumbling from his lap. She threw him a glare, then averted her attention when footsteps approached from the other side of the warehouse.

"Let's get this show on the road, shall we?" an unfamiliar voice echoed in the silence of the docks.

Besides the lapping of a river or sea beyond the edge of a long row of warehouses, the only other sound was the heavy breathing of Zion's rogues, and now the new group that had arrived at the scene.

Savannah watched as Chayton stepped out from behind a container opposite her, and walked into the warehouse confidently. Zion waited until Willow and Tas joined him before following behind closely. When Savannah shadowed him, he whirled around and whispered harshly, "Don't do anything stupid. They can't know we're wolves."

"What's that supposed to mean? Can't they tell you're rogues? Aren't they rogues, too? Is this some shady deal going on—"

"They're humans," Phoenix interrupted her rapid fire questioning, silencing her momentarily.


Phoenix rolled his eyes, "Are all Alphas this ignorant?"

Zion shot him a dark look, then walked forward to join his men. Chayton had greeted the other party, and as Savannah surveyed them, she instantly felt her skin crawl. Eight men faced them, ranging from skinny to overweight, all dressed in street gear that reeked of alcohol and cigarette smoke, greasy hair slicked back to impress, and gold chains that glimmered in the dull lighting.

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