2846 words
Phoenix handed her a glass of water, but she refused to take it. After he placed it on the coffee table in front of her, she snatched it up and downed it quickly.
He shook his head in amusement.
"So you're really trying to tell me, you do this kind of thing to help the community?" Savannah asked once her parched throat was content. The crazy events of the night had drained her, and she relaxed back into the couch she was sitting on.
Phoenix had just finished explaining that their group of rogues made deals with criminal gangs and crooked businessmen in the city, before handing over damning evidence anonymously to the police so they could track down the criminals and put them behind bars.
The dirty cash received tonight would be dropped off at the central police precinct, the markings on the bills giving the forensics team enough leads to trace back to the original launderer. In turn, the weapons they'd traded had been stamped with a unique alloy that would show up on police radars.
The cops could then follow the distribution channels and hopefully catch terrorists they'd been tracking for months. A few sacrifices along the way were nothing in the grand scheme of things, but despite Phoenix's explanations, nothing about this sat right with the principled Alpha.
"We've helped put away some very dangerous men," he reiterated.
"Did I miss anything?" Cale asked groggily, suddenly lifting his head from where it rested on Savannah's shoulder. She'd put him in a sitting position and slapped his face a few times, eager to have him wake from his unconscious state.
"Oh, the bliss of ignorance," she sighed, patting Cale's arm. He was more a brother than friend. "Phoenix was just filling me in on how saintly he and Zion's rogues are. But his explanation still doesn't explain the trail of destruction they've left across the country. Every month we get new reports of the terror spread by the Silver Rogue." She raised an eyebrow at Phoenix, daring him to justify that.
He just shrugged nonchalantly. "Things sometimes go south, as evidenced by tonight. Would you like a drink?" he offered a glass to Cale.
"But you have to understand why I'm upset with Zion. He deliberately lied to me, knowing I'd hate the truth."
Phoenix leaned back and spread his hands as if to appease her. "We're rogues, Savannah. It's what we do. Kill or be killed. Come on, even you kill people just for trespassing on your territory. As an Alpha, you should know what it's like to dish out harsh punishment."
"Only when it's deserved, yes. I nearly killed Zion when I first met you all, but that was because he first killed some of my men. And we're wolves. It's part of our genetic code and pack laws. But those men tonight were just humans."
"Wait, what happened? How long was I out?" Cale interrupted, but was wholly ignored.
Phoenix's face darkened, and he looked at the Alpha seriously. "Humans can be just as heartless and cruel as wolves, if not more. Did you know they let some peadophiles walk free, and go back to living in a community where they can reoffend and rape women and children? Or that they let known terrorists fly to different countries, where they can plan even bigger and more sinister attacks? Their government systems are built on corruption and blackmail, lies and bribery. Do you know how much fraud goes on? How much cheating, thieving, murdering, embezzlement, or identity theft. The list goes on. If you want innocent people undeserving of death, don't look amongst the humans."
Savannah studied the young rogue in front of her, noticing the way his eyes were alight with fury, his fists clenched as if aching to spill blood. "You hate humans, don't you?"

The Alpha's Rogue ✔️
Werewolf"So tell me, Rogue, how would you like to be killed? A slit to your throat, your heart ripped out, or how about a silver bullet to your brain?" "Kiss me first, Alpha. Then I'll let you do whatever you like to me." His confidence made her heart skip...