Chapter 30- Florida Problems

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The team worked a few more cases after that very first one without Gideon before it became Spencer's birthday once more. This year was different, however, because this year he had his friend back and the one thing that always made Spencer's birthdays better was Amanda Hotchner's baking. Which is why she comes into work at 3:30 in the morning to get things set up. She wasn't counting on the fact that Aaron would already be at the office until he came out to see what all the noise was about.

"Amanda? What are you doing here so early? You hate being up early," he points out.

"You're right but today is October 28," she says as if it were obvious but he's tired and mostly confused, making her groan. "It's Spencer's birthday, dumbass. You should at least learn that about your employees."

"I do know, I'm just tired. That last case really took it out of me and not having Jack waiting at home for me when I get back from a case didn't really help. Wait, why are you here so early, can't you just do this later?"

"I'm doing it now because Spencer gets here before everyone and I spent three hours baking him this cake and these cookies so I'm going to rig his desk with confetti and leave his cake in this airtight container so it's the first thing he can see when he gets in before I do. I've also rigged his computer to say happy birthday so it'll be perfect. I also got him two gifts but I suppose I can say one is from you since you're having a hard time."

Aaron chuckles and shakes his head at his sister. "Thanks but you seem to have everything set up for him. I wouldn't want to steal your spotlight."

"It's his spotlight, Aaron," she scolds and he just shakes his head again.

"Odd coming from the girl who won't even tell anyone her birthday."

"That's because my birthday is associated with bad memories. His isn't."

"Amanda, I understand that you hate dad, still to this day, but you can't let what happened in the past ruin your future. You deserve to be happy, you can't let him keep getting in the way." She laughs with a shake of her head.

"You're right. I know that, but it's not exactly easy telling people that you have two birthdays because things got messed up at the hospital. And I don't know which one to tell them," she responds sheepishly.

"That's the great part about having two birthdays, you can choose." She grins up at him as she finishes rigging his desk with confetti.

"Well, I will think about that but right now I'm going to head back home, or more the apartment I'm renting, to go back to sleep and you should come with me."


"Do not Amy me, Aaron, you look ready to drop so grab your coat. You can sleep in my guest room."

"You have a guest room in the apartment your renting because you can't stay at your house?"

"I'm very good at negotiations, brother dearest. Now get your stuff because I'm tired." He chuckles but obeys and the two siblings head out, leaving Amanda's birthday masterpiece for her best friend.


A few hours later, at precisely 8 am, Spencer arrives at Quantico where Morgan and Garcia are waiting for him outside. "What are you guys doing here? We don't have to be here until 8:30."

"We were waiting on you, Birthday Boy!" Garcia exclaims in her usually bright demeanor.

"You didn't think we'd forget did you kid?" Morgan jokes and Reid shakes his head with a small blush coloring his cheeks.

"Of course not, I just thought you guys would be here later, like usual."

"Well, we thought that we would surprise you!"

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