Chapter 31- Company Problems

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The team all made it back to the station at the same time and met in the conference room that the Miami PD were providing them. "What did you guys find out?" Hotch asks.

"One of the heads of the company knew both victims. Put one through college and worked closely with the other," Morgan answers.

"Amanda's a partner in the company," JJ chimes, and Amanda groans.

"I was 16 and it was a piece of notebook paper. I don't even think it had words when I signed it!"

"I'm sorry, what happened with you two?" Hotch wonders and Amanda grins.

"The owners of the company are Scotty Moore and Anthony Kyle." He looks at her in confusion and she sighs. "Kris and I used to hang out with them all time. They were being bullied by the first bully I-"

"I remember that happening thank you." She shrugs and continues.

"Well, Scotty was answering our questions and he told me that Tony had put Rachael through college because I gave them money to start up their company and I told him that I gave them money for new computers."

"You gave them $375 for new computers?!" Morgan shouts. 

"Where did you get $375 when you were 16?" Hotch asks.

"I was extorting dad, remember?"

"Dad died when you were 15 but maybe you forgot because you didn't come to the funeral," he scolds and she rolls her eyes.

"After dad died, he had it set up so that he was still paying for my college, I just never told him that the FBI was also paying for my college so I had lots of money. I used to keep it in a zip lock bag under my mattress like a drug dealer. Kristen and I were going to go shopping and she only had $12 so I was going to pay for both of us but we stopped for ice cream with them first. They were talking about something, I thought it was new computers, and then Kris gave them her money so I gave them mine and she said we didn't need to go shopping."

"You weren't paying attention and you just signed something?"

"I was sixteen, they said it was to ensure they would pay us back. I was distracted!"

"By what?" She shoots a quick look at Spencer before shaking her head.

"I was texting someone so I wasn't exactly paying attention. Kristen was the one that was crushing on Scotty which was the only reason I was there in the first place. Now can we please get back to the case and stop talking about how they tricked Kristen and me into being silent partners in their stupid company?"

"Um, at the morgue, the bodies were odd," Emily begins, much to Amanda's gratitude.

"Odd how?" Spencer questions.

"Well the first victim, Rachael, her body showed major signs of overkill, but the first blow was the killing blow, a stab to the heart. The second victim, however, was stabbed 7 times before he was stabbed in the heart."

"Maybe he wanted the second victim to suffer," JJ suggests.

"Or maybe the extra stabs were necessary," Amanda claims. "Aaron, come here." He obeys and stands in front of her. "JJ," she motions and the blonde obeys. "Ok, JJ is Rachael. If I'm going to stab her and I don't want her to fight back, I would stab her in a place I know will kill her, her heart." She mimes the gesture. "The knife is concealed the whole time. Now if I go to stab Aaron, who is about the same height as Robert, I can't stab him in the heart or he'll see the knife. That wouldn't matter if the killer was a man unless he was skinny like Spencer. No offense, Spence."

"None taken," he mutters as Amanda continues.

"So the killer was obviously angry at Rachael, that's why she kept stabbing after she had already killed her. But she only stabbed Robert 7 times to subdue him because he was bigger than her. The question is, why did she kill Robert if she wasn't angry?" Everyone shrugs before the lead detective on the case enters the room.

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