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                             dear dear readers, I cannot believe I am saying this...but I would like to take this moment and announce...A BRAND NEW STORY! Introducing:


"Meant To Be"

A story of love and passion unlike any other. A story that explores what happens when the "meant to be" are not allowed to be. This story too involves our beloved Prem and Noor but from a completely different time period and a completely different world. I am pleased present a small excerpt from the story.


Around the same time, Prem too headed for a walk at the river near the palace. After much insistence, he allowed one of his bodyguards to accompany him. As he strolled, his eyes fell on a person walking back and forth along the river some distance away from him. His heart picked up its pace once again as his hopeful feet began in the direction of that person. He had only covered one thirds the distance when the rhythmic sound of jhanjaran (anklets) entered his ears and his heart skipped a beat. It was her. Taking a deep breath to compose himself, he carried on. The sound of leaves crushing under his feet pulled her attention to him and she looked up as he arrived.

Freezing in place, "Chief Dhaliwal." Noor was stunned.

Equally misplaced in her presence, "Chief Sandhu." Prem managed a small nod as both their alerted bodyguards stared at them from a distance.

There was silence. Hearts rumbling inside their chests, they both looked on at a loss of words.

"Taking a walk?" Prem finally spoke up.

"Yeah." Noor nodded. "I...really like water."

"Yeah, water is calming." Prem shifted to look forward at the flowing river.

The moments that followed his response brought another silence with them.

"So..." Noor finally looked up to her side at him. "The new chief of Kurral, huh? How do you like your new position?"

A small smile threatening an appearance of dimples took over Prem's lips as he turned his face towards her again. "It's great. What's not to like in being the most powerful man in Kurral?" He answered slowly. "What about you? Enjoying it, Chief...Sandhu?" He emphasized her title.

Noor allowed a small smile on her lips as well. "Yeah. It's not too bad. The throne is beautiful, but the duties can be a bit much sometimes."

"Oh yeah?" Prem asked in raised eyebrows. "Duties like what?"

"Like killing you." She replied at once.

Prem let out a laugh. "They want you to kill me?"

"As soon as possible." Noor answered without wasting a second.

"Well, I'm right here. Why don't you?" Prem eyed her.

Taking a deep breath Noor took the couple steps needed to close the distance between them. "Because..." she whispered getting teary eyed, "you cannot kill what is already dead."

Her words summoned tears to his eyes as well. "Talking about yourself?" His voice broke a little as he looked deep into her eyes.

For a few moments, they stood absolutely still with their faces subconsciously inching closer and passionate desires burning bright in their eyes. They longed for one another, starving lips craving a taste, skin yearning a touch, but they held back. Getting a hold of themselves, they withdrew.

"Chief?" Noor's bodyguard called out to her interrupting their moment. They hadn't realized when their bodyguards had closed in on them but were well aware they were not going to allow them to stay within each other's reach for much longer.

Taking a step back from Prem, Noor quickly wiped the tears that had spilled out onto her cheek and looked behind her at the guard to see concern written all over his aging face. "I'm coming." She told him half-heartedly.

"Good luck with your upcoming ventures and I'll...get going then." Noor spoke over a sinking heart.

Prem simply looked at her. Eyes saying a thousand things, lips sealed, and heart broken. "Thank you. And good luck to you too." He barely managed looking down.

Noor looked at him one last time before rebelling against every millimeter of her existence and following Sevak back to the palace.

Over a heavy heart, Prem watched her leave until she was no longer visible. He sighed as his senses returned to him and the realization of him being left all alone settled on him once again.

He managed a wipe at his cheek before looking back at his bodyguard.  "Say it Hakam. You know you want to." Prem ordered his bodyguard turned friend to divulge his feelings as they began back to their wing of the palace for the night.

"Chief..." Hakam hesitated. "Don't do this to yourself. Please." He pleaded.

"Too late, Hakam. Too late." Prem smiled looking up in the direction Noor had left in.



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So...please comment below what you think! That's obviously very encouraging to me as the writer. I have not completed finished it yet but a huge portion is complete. I cannot tell you an exact day it will come out on because I do work a corporate job and it takes 14 hours of my weekdays so my writing is solely done on the weekends. BUT...depending on the response I get here, I may hurry up and get it published sooner than later. Lol. But I see it being published within the next month or so. I truly do hope you guys like it as much as you liked Unconditional because just like that story, this too comes straight from the heart.

Anyways, for the millionth time, I love you guys from the bottom of my heart and cannot wait to share this story with you!

Thank you, thank you, and thank you!

Reine :)

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