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It must have been around 1 AM when she woke up. She looked to her left and saw him sleeping peacefully next to her. Careful not to wake him, she turned on her side to watch him unobstructed. He was sleeping on his stomach with an arm under the pillow next to his face. His strong shoulder moved up and down with each breath. She admired his beautiful face, the earring glistening in his ear and the messy hair on his forehead. A tear rolled down her cheek as she slowly moved closer to him and brought her face next to his. Unable to help herself, she planted a soft kiss on his temple when another tear followed. Barely touching him, she moved some of the hair on his forehead out of the way before planting one more kiss. Her heart was full as she moved the rest of her body next to him and lied there. His face next to her face, his body next to her body, skin to skin. She lived for this precise moment as most of her days go by craving his touch, his company, his presence. Every once in a while, though, there comes a fruitful night like this one, giving her a chance to live her biggest fantasy. The fantasy of simply being with him, next to him, to feel him breathe, to see him at his calmest. She knew she was getting ambitious when she placed her hand on his face and caressed the skin on his cheek with her thumb. She was right, and that had called for an end to her moment as his eyes opened. He paused to study the situation before flinching backwards.

"Don't fucking touch me." He snapped turning around and sitting up. "And why haven't you left yet?"

"Prem..." Noor began despite being well aware of the fact he wouldn't be interested in a single word out of her mouth. He threw on his shorts and was out of the room and onto the balcony within seconds. That was a signal for Noor to leave the room, he was much politer on nights like these. Noor wiped her cheeks clean and got out of his king sized bed to find her silk robe still lying on the floor. She had just finished putting it on when she heard him coughing out on the balcony. She rushed to the morning bar in his room and poured some water from the fridge into a glass. Clinging tightly onto her robe, she opened the glass door and stepped out into the cold night. He was standing next to the metal railing at the end of the balcony looking out into the night.

"Water." She offered as she approached him.

"Really?" He had caught his breath at this point.

"Really." She shrugged in a small smile.

"You just don't understand...huh?" He shook his head almost snatching the glass out of her hand. He looked at her as he held it over the railing and then let go of it. The glass shattered over the concrete pavement down below, echoing into the cold dark night.

The light in their security kiosk went on and the guard rushed outside holding a flashlight towards the sound.

"I don't want to see your face one more time tonight." His words sounded more like a warning this time. He headed inside and switched the light from dim to off. Noor looked below as the security guard approached the shattered glass. He picked up a piece and looked up to see Noor. Her eyes were cold, her face firm.

"I'll have this immediately cleaned up, ma'am." He spoke fast understanding her expression.

Locking the balcony door behind her, she looked into the dark where the bed lies, and walked around it towards the door.

Good night, love. She thought to her herself as she twisted the doorknob one more time and let herself out of the room into the hallway.

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