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DISCLAIMER: This story is the author's exploration of the concept of unconditional love. It depicts two highly flawed individuals with loaded histories struggling through life. The author recognizes the characters, their behaviors, and relationships are problematic and may be offensive for some readers and does not endorse any of it in real life. This is not intended to be a guide on a perfect romantic relationship. This is a story, a work of fiction. Please treat it as such.

Thank you for choosing Unconditional. Please enjoy the story.


"If this isn't done by 5 PM on Thursday, you can start looking for a new job on Friday." Noor spoke in a low, firm tone as her pen touched the paper and she signed her name. Her supply director swallowed as he slid the signed page towards himself and joined it with the rest of the document in a folder.

"I-I understand." He stammered in response to the ultimatum.

The room was silent and there was tension in the air, as it always is in her presence. Six of her employees stood on the other side of the long glass table, without the courage to move as much as a finger before their boss. She slid back her chair and gave her personal assistant a look before getting up and walking out.

Postures straightened, smiles abated, and eyes rushed to computer screens as the sound of her heels clicking grew louder and eventually fainted through the hallway. She was briefed about the last meeting of the day by her assistant during the elevator ride down to first floor. She nodded in confirmation as she stepped out onto the marble floor and made way to the glass front door outside which stood her driver with the door open to her car.

Her final destination for the day was a tour of her brand new hotel site. The executives in charge of the project as well the head architects and engineers walked her through the progress. Only a couple more months and the hotel would officially be in business.

"Looks fine." Noor nodded at the officials before taking one last look at yet another successful project of hers. The officials were proud of the work they had done. Making her happy wasn't their goal as they knew it isn't possible, but they were beyond glad she wasn't disappointed. Their celebratory smiles appeared as soon as Noor's car left the premises.

It was almost 10 PM by the time Noor arrived home. Her butler opened the car door and grabbed her things as she made her way up the stone stairs and through the tall French doors into her mansion. As always, most of her house help had gone to sleep and the hallway was dark as she clicked through the tile floor towards her room.

Changing out of her work clothes, she put on a silk robe ready to head over to her master bathroom when she heard a cautious knock on her door. She could tell it was her butler with the only message he could have for her this late in the night. She opened the door and sure enough, it was him.

"Mr. Dhaliwal...would like to see you." He said looking down. The heaviness in his voice was so real every time he delivered this message.

"Okay." Noor replied and went back inside to get a look the mirror. She was tired from the day and her makeup was beginning look uneven, but she didn't care. She unclipped the bun on top of her head and let her hair fall over her shoulders and down to her waist. She reapplied her red lipstick and lightly sprayed on her favorite perfume before heading through the dark hallway to the opposite side of the house.

She didn't knock, just twisted the golden doorknob and entered the dimly lit room. There he was, sitting majestically on his bed, shirtless and leaned back against the backboard with arms spread wide out to both sides. She feasted her eyes on his stunning face, his golden skin, his perfectly muscular body, his abs and took in as much of him as she could. He was perfect.

"Take that off..." He ordered without wasting a second.

Noor smiled for the first time that week as her hand undid the knot holding together her bathrobe at her waist. Once undone, she let the silk piece of clothing slide off her shoulders and hit the floor. 

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