Chapter 2

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Dad begins to talk about boring royal things, such as finances, taxing imported goods, and corn, though I do hear an occasional "Devin and Heath", and "Ollie, pay attention".

This is sooo boring. I wish I was with Olivia. Maybe I should invite her to a sleepover today. Though, are last one was kind of chaotic...

Suddenly, I hear my name. 

"What?" I perk up.

Dad gives me a look that says, Julie, you should have been listening.

He sighs and repeats himself. "I said, while your Mom and I search tomorrow for the corn thief, you'll be staying here to do the important job of organizing the library".

Suddenly, I'm interested in the conversation. "Dad! That's unfair! I'm old enough to go with you and Mom! I'll be thirteen in two months!"

"I'll be safer for you to be in the castle".

"You still treat me like a baby!"

"Don't raise your voice at me, young lady," Dad says. "You may not make the decisions yet, but someday, you'll thank us."

"I doubt it," I mutter under my breath.

Gasps can be heard through the room. I'm suddenly aware that we have an audience.

Dad tries again.

"Julie, this isn't the way a royal should behave".

That's it! I've had enough! Doesn't he know how much it pains me to see kids my age running around the village, having fun? Doesn't he know how much I've longed to go outside, explore, and be free like other kids? But, no, he doesn't. Dad has never asked me if I enjoyed it inside the palace. He's never taken the time off to spend with his daughter. He doesn't care about me! Something inside me snaps.

"Well, maybe I don't wanna be one!"


Dad's face is flushed with anger, though his eyes are sorrowful. Mom, who has been quiet throughout this entire thing, looks sad.

In a quiet voice, Dad says, "Juliana, to your room".

I push my chair backwards and open the door. As I march upstairs I hear murmuring voices.  

Fine! He doesn't want me around, so I'll go. Not that I care. Do I? Why is life so confusing?

I plop onto my bed and cry.


(A/n: Hi! Let me know what you think of my story in the comments. I'll try to make the next couple of chapters longer than the first two. Thanks for reading!)

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